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It all began with two meteors in the sky, the two meteors fell from the sky and landed on the Earth with a huge impact it created destruction on a remote island when the scientists got hold of what was happening they quickly rushed to the  location. When they arrived they were surprised due to the reason that they had never seen so huge destruction cause by a  meteorite and for another that two meteorites landed in the same location. What had surprised them more was that where the meteorite was supposed to be laying was instead a baby, and the same was with the other meteorite, the scientists were speechless and couldn't move, it took them a few moments to process what was happening, they took the babies to their special laboratory for a checkup. When they were done with their checkup they got information that the babies weren't even human but they looked like one. The boss of the scientists Ling Jingmo informed the president of the country of what they had gotten hold of. The president had everyone on this case and everyone who was on it keep this case top secret. The president volunteered to raise the two children(who apperently were girls) and name them Lili WenLuo and An' Ran WenLuo.

                          *TIME SKIP*

Death MeteoritesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin