A lovely choatic storm

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Fluttershy was outside of her cottage singing to her animal friends when all of a sudden the clouds turned into cotton candy  and it started raining chocolate milk. Fluttershy was confused at the sight of this mysterious event and decided to find her best friends but before she could HE(discord) appeared.

Discord: hello my dear lovely weather we're having huh?

Fluttershy: who are you?

Discord: Me well I'm lord of chaos discord

Fluttershy: l-lord of chaos?

Discord: yes my dearest fluttershy

Fluttershy: h-how do you know my name?

Discord: I know everything about you flutters

Fluttershy: f-flutters h-huh?*blushes*

Discord: Well, you see my dear, I feel like as if we have quite the special bond you and I. Say... why don't you be my queen of chaos! Yes, yes! What a marvelous idea. I shall make you a palace and everything. Anything you want, you can have *bows down*

Fluttershy: w-wait w-what queen huh? What do you mean?

Discord: Well my queen. You would be the queen of chaos my dear. You don't realise it now my dear flutters, but you are chaotic deep down inside. It is just boiling up waiting to burst out!

Fluttershy: don't call me your queen plz and you are really confusing i don't even know you maybe we can be friends but I'm not your queen

Discord: Ah.... of course. My dear flutters we can wait. You are  always so bashful and humble and so down to earth my dear. I would wait eternity just for you darling.

Fluttershy: I'm still confused how you know me have we met before what is going on. I need to get to twilight.

Discord: -stops her- Oh IN many lives and in many lives to come we will always meet again. Your name changes every so often, but i always know what it is. I can always feel it. Once you understand the magic chaos you will understand everything my queen. -picks her up-

Fluttershy:*speechless and blushing*

Discord: Oh... Shall i call you flustershy. Well your friend Twilie will be here any minute along with the two princess so uh -puts her down- I must be off my dear see you soon! -poofs/teleports away-

-From the distance twilight came rushing with her other friends and the princesses-

Twilight: LET GO OF MY FRIEND! Oh my gosh! Fluttershy are you ok?

Fluttershy: y-yeah I t-think s-so

Twilight: ok good

Rainbow dash: don't worry fluttershy we won't let that punk hurt you or get anywhere near you!

Apple jack: it's ok sugarcube, everything is alright


Rarity: darling are you ok we were worried sick

Fluttershy:*thinks*(should I tell them what he said)

Celestia and Luna: where is he....

Fluttershy: he left... why?

Luna: did he... say anything to you fluttershy?

Fluttershy: no not that I can think of.

-Celestia and luna shared a knowing look with each other-

Luna: well I think we all need our rest good night every pony

-fluttershy goes into her house and sleeps-

Discord: my dear where are you
Hey everypony that's the end of chapter one sorry to leave you off on a cliff hanger let me know if you like the story! My friend helped me with some of the story and all the drawings except the cover I found it online and spruced it up a bit but who ever did it amazing job! Anyways hope you enjoy the next chapter! Bye!😸💖💗

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