Soooo... another authors note sorry

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Hey everyone I know you probably all hate me by this point but there has been ALOT of problems with my life right now and I know everyone hates authors notes and I know I've been doing authors notes a lot but the problems are overwhelming first curse writers block and now onto the real problems
Problem 1: I lost my friends over the summer but I'm getting over that

Problem 2: I had to get stomach surgery the other day and I'm still in recovery

Problem 3: I get distracted easily and lose track of time so I have been reading comics and manga and playing video games and totally forgot this existed

Problem 4: My grandma died


also for the people that actually read my authors notes and are actually concerned about me Or wondering about why I had to get surgery I had to get it done because the doctors found a scist in my stomach that was gigantic and it had to be removed or I would die so I am very thankful that I survived I am in a lot of pain but I have been getting better it is still uncomfortable to walk they gave me dissolvable stitches so hopefully I won't have a scar sorry I'm rambling but to everyone thank you for reading this! This whole year has been a disaster but there has been some good things anyways as I just said I really appreciate all of you reading this it cheers me up just to see how many reads I have! I'll talk to you next time everyone! Have a great day!

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