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Fluttershy woke up from her dream and standing right in front of her was.....

Fluttershy: d-discord w-what are you d-doing here

Discord: my dear fluttershy I told you I would see you soon

Fluttershy: I didn't think you meant when I woke up

Discord: well I mean you looked really peaceful so I didn't want to wake you up

Fluttershy: that is no excuse discord

Discord: I know I know I'm s-s-sorry alright

Fluttershy: d-did you just apologize?

Discord: y-yes but your never hearing me do that again got it?

Fluttershy: o-ok *smiles*

Discord: um I know that I've kinda been a bit rude lately-

Fluttershy: a bit?

Discord: fine really rude but would you like to come over to my castle for tea later...?

Fluttershy: you like tea?

Discord: what just because I'm the lord of chaos doesn't mean I can like tea

Fluttershy: n-no I'm not saying that it would be lovely if we could have tea later

Discord: yes this is amazing! Meet you later my queen!.....I mean fluttershy heh pick you up at 5 -poofs away-

Fluttershy: aww he's actually really sweet sometimes hehe *blushes* I better go get ready!

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