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I slide my gaze across the courtyard, into corners and shadows, searching for the man I know is here somewhere. I look up to check the upper floors, the open cloisters, the roof...

He didn't bring a rifle, but that doesn't mean he didn't plant one here earlier.

"Where are you, 'Mateo'?" I murmur.

It's no use. I can't see him.

I shake my head, knowing this is about to get stupid.

Walking to the table, I put my hand on Popov's shoulder. He looks up at me, his dark eyes widening, his expression betraying his surprise.

"One last dance, dyadya?" I ask. "Before the music changes?"

He rocks back in his chair, the corner of his mouth twitching. A moment passes while he considers his options.

I don't look at the other people at the table. I thought I would stare them down, but now that they're staring at me, I don't feel the need. The greatest minds of their day... what a disappointment. Their crimes against me—and others—are unforgivable, but I'd be surprised if any of them have regrets.

Even in their fear, I can sense their maddening sense of entitlement, as if they are the most important victims of their own crimes, as if they haven't earned far worse than what Popov has planned for them.

"Yes," Popov says, rising from his seat. "Of course."

He's gruff, a bit overweight, but I can still see the younger man in him, the one I waited breathlessly to dance for. A smile from him would get me through a week of the sullen household darkness. I remember all of the small kindnesses that he showed to my mother and me, all the little gestures no one else cared to make.

He leads me to where the other couples are dancing. He clasps my left hand and I rest my right on his shoulder. I feel the warmth of his hold, but he looks away from me as we start an easy waltz, the steps not too wide, or the turns too sharp.

I look up at him, "They are your team members."

"They think they will be shot if they move," he says. "Blumkin was supposed to be here among them. He tried to leave early, but you know that. You nearly killed the operative there. Did you disable the other one too?"

"The other...?" I repeat, confused for a moment. Mateo. "No. He's here."

"He is supposed to be the best," Popov mulls. "But, of course, it has always been difficult to predict what you will do, or what effect you will have. You are the element of chaos, the things you do when you are cornered, and what you do when you have time to plan... What man can resist your plans?"

"A man with a sedative."

"You don't want to be here for this," he says. "I didn't want you here for this. I still have that much humanity left. You should allow me that."

"I should want you to go through with it," I murmur. "But I don't."

"You need to be stronger than this."

"To do what? Follow your plan? Find the key?"

"Yes," he says. "Of course, you must. They will come after you."

"And how do you expect me to find it if you never could?"

"I trust that your nature will guide you."

"What kind of key is it?"

"The kind that can be read. The kind that includes plans, instructions..."

"To what?"

"Too dangerous to say, but you will find out, and then you will know what to do."

I shake my head, trying to meet his gaze even when it's clear he won't look at me. "Why would you trust my father with plans?"

"Hubris," he admits. "I thought I understood him. I thought I could manage him. And, I thought we were friends, though we had already betrayed each other in many ways. I never touched your mother, but it was a temptation, and I was stupid enough to let him see it. So, you see, I have been wrong. I have failed many times. Now, you have to go. He is coming. I don't want you to see it. I don't want you to be here. He was supposed to take care of you. He is supposed to take care of you."

"The assassin?"

"Arman," he says. "Yes, I chose him for you, not for me. Any fool can shoot a fat man at a wedding. Arman is for you. To protect you. Not just here, but after. I sent him everything he needed to know, everything that would help him become attached to you... not so hard. Attraction plays a role. It is the oldest lure. More effective than money. I felt it was probable, based on his background, his psychological profile and his history with women, that he would become attached, and you would take the opportunity to inspire loyalty, if such a thing exists between people anymore. I assume you did because you are not unconscious and tied up in your room. He should have done that, but he didn't. He was too careful with you, too afraid to leave you overdosed or helpless. Too careful."

"Does he know that you planned all of this for him?"

"It doesn't work when they know."

Of course, he would believe that. Insanity. And yet... it worked.

"Dyadya..." I hold his shoulder tighter. "Why?"

"You must survive," he says. "Despite your faults, despite what has happened to you, and between us... I want you to survive. The people at that table would surely kill you once I am gone. The new members that they have recruited will force you to find the key and then kill you, if you let them. And our mutual enemies will want the same, once they find out what we have left hidden all of these years. You are in a war now, and you must survive."

"Stay with me," I whisper. "You are the only person from those years who isn't gone. We share that. We share that time, that beginning. Whatever you have done... Whatever I have done...We have always been in the same war. You can't just leave me with it. I will take you out of here."

"That is not your part," he says. "They key will give you what you need to exert control. I have given you all the information I could in such a public place. And, I have given you Arman. It is your choice how you use these two elements. My power to protect you is gone, Zoyenka, and I am smart enough to know it, so you must trust me now. You must let me complete my life and the mission I was given."

I shake my head, unable to accept it.

He looks up, focusing beyond the couples dancing around us. "He is here. I told him to make it quick. I told him to let them see him, see this."

Dirty Little Wars 02: BarcelonaWhere stories live. Discover now