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ARLO WOKE UP to Izzy bursting into her room and shaking her. "Arlo! Arlo! Get up! Come on! You gotta see this!"

The older girl shot up instantly. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Izzy groaned then shoved her phone in Arlo's face. "Look!"

"What?" Arlo huffed, her eyes squinting at the brightness of the phone. She rubbed her eyes groggily and once they adjusted to the screen, she read the headline that Izzy urged her to read. Once she did, her mouth dropped and her eyes widened. "Oh my god."

Izzy nodded. "You need to speak to Guzmán and Marina."

Arlo sighed, swinging her duvet off her as she started to get ready for school. "I know."

The 12-year old plopped down on her sister's bed, crossing her legs and started reading the article out loud. "All three heads of the construction company are accused of allegedly embezzling public funds, bribery and criminal negligence."

"Izzy, go on and get changed." Arlo instructed. "And please go wake up Diego too."

"On it!" The girl exclaimed as she shot up and ran out of Arlo's room and down the hall into Diego's.

On the ride to school Marina wasn't answering her phone and she sighed. She was about to reluctantly call Guzmán, but Julio pulled up outside Las Encinas. Saying a quick thank you to the man, Arlo darted out the car and into the building. She sped down the halls, looking right and left until she spotted Marina's curly red hair by her locker.

"Marina!" Arlo called as she ran to her.

"Lo, hey." Marina greeted, forcing a smile. She didn't look too good, looking more pale than usual with heavy bags under her eyes.

"Are you okay?" Arlo questioned. "I saw the news."

The girl shrugged. "Can't say I'm not surprised. I always knew my dad's business was shady. It was only a matter of time before he got caught."

"Marina, he's still your father." Arlo breathed out.

"What a father he turned out to be. Now he's leaving us to clean up his mess." Marina scoffed. "You should know about that better than anyone."

"Marina, this is different and you know it."

"I know. I know. I'm sorry. Can we just leave it, please? I don't really feel like talking."

Arlo nodded. "Whatever you want." She walked into the classroom to see Guzmán sitting at his table, Lu behind him rubbing his shoulders as Ander sat next to him with Carla and Polo situated on the table near by.

Guzmán sat up and took a deep breath. "It's okay. It's pre-trial detention. We pay bail, and he's released."

"And how much is it?" Lu asked.

"Three hundred thousand." Guzmán informed and Arlo tensed. "We'll pay this afternoon."

"And the trial?" Polo questioned.

Guzmán shook his head. "It doesn't matter. They've got nothing."

Ander looked up at Arlo, then back at Guzmán. "Then why did they accuse him?"

"I don't know, Ander. Shit, I don't know! Some judge wanted to be on the news. No fucking idea!" The boy exclaimed, the took another deep breath, his voice softening. "But they have nothing on him, okay? They have no proof. That's what your father says, Carla."

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