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A filler I guess 🤷🏾‍♀️ This chapter isn't really important for the story 😂 but here you go...

Last chapter:

Zions POV

I woke up feeling hungry, so I made my way downstairs to go get something to eat. When I walked down the stairs, I could smell the delicious bacon my mom used to make us for breakfast back in the days. "Morning Caleb." I didn't notice that she turned around. I gave her a hug and quickly snatched one of the bacon strips from one of the plates. Once she noticed I grabbed one she slapped my hand.

"Why did you come home so late yesterday?" She asked. And at this moment it hit me. I didn't explain anything to my mom. For all she knows, I'm here to see Jaylen and Janae after a year. I don't know how much Jaylen told her about Josiah, so this might give her a slight heart attack knowing my mom.

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I can't lie to my mom. Even though I want to at this point, I'm not gon do it. "Well" I said, following a long pause. "Well what?" My mom questioned, with a look on her face I can't even describe at this point. "I'll explain everything later." I kiss her cheek and run upstairs as fast as I can. I'd do anything to avoid having this conversation with my mom now. Even if it meant showing up at Jaylens door, when she probably doesn't even want me to.

I did my morning routine, picked out an outfit and checked my phone. 8:30 am. Damn I didn't know it was this early... I walked downstairs to see my mom sitting on the couch with her work clothes on. "I'm going out." I said and walked out. Not giving her the chance to ask questions or even say bye.
I feel bad for my mom, but I gotta figure everything out with Jaylen first.

On the way there I thought about every possible scenario of what could go down. I thought of all the things I wanted to say, all the things that should be said and all of the things I probably shouldn't say. No matter how what I thought about, everything scenario ended really bad.

It was just a matter of minutes before I arrived at the house. It's the second time I'd be going here and it still scares me. I didn't know what to expect and how it will go. But I guess I'll just have to deal with it at this point. A little les than 5 minutes later I arrived. Almost all of the light were still turned off. What if they're still asleep? I thought to myself. I should've texted her first. But I don't know if she would actually respond.

I rang the doorbell, getting no response. Half a minute later she still didn't open the door, making me concerned. What if she ran away again? Will I ever see them again? I walked away, giving up the last bit of hope that I had left. Just when I did that, the door finally opened. I turned around to see Jaylen, lil J and Josiah standing in the door opening.
Janae rubbed her eyes before realizing it was me. When she did realize it was me she ran up to me with the biggest smile every and literally jumped on me.


We were now sitting in the living room. They just woke up so I came at the perfect time. "I'm gonna get ready, so you can just relax." Jaylen told me. I could see that she was a little nervous. "What about the kids then?" I asked her. "I'll just take Josiah so you're not stuck with him." She said, unsure of her answer. "Or I could hold him..." I suggested. I could tell that she was surprised by the look on her face, but she gave in anyways. She put Josiah on my lap and told me what I needed to do with him. "You could just let Janae do whatever."

For the first 15 minutes lil J and I played with Josiah. We sang to him, we made funny faces and pretended to be play fighting.
"I smell doo doo" lil J said and pinched her nose. At first I thought I farted without realizing it, but we could still smell it after 5 minutes. My farts stink, but they're not this bad. This shit smells like something has been rotting for weeks, no scratch that. MONTHS. Then it hit me. Josiah took a shit in his diaper. I lowkey started panicking but tried to keep myself together for the sake of both of these children.

I've never changed a diaper, but here I am in the bathroom with a child that just took a shit and one laughing at me for freaking the fuck out.

I opened the diaper to be met with a stronger smell. Damn his poop smells like rotten egg. Worse maybe. I didn't know where any of the things I needed were so I asked Janae to grab them for me. Not even a minute later she had everything I needed. "Lil J, do you know how to change your brothers diaper?" I asked the 3 year old. "Yes" she said. "You gotta wipe his ... momma says I can't say this." She said covering her mouth. "You can't say what?" I was deadass confused. "His booty." She said giggling.

"Okay so I'm wiping his booty, now what?" When I said booty she started giggling again. "New diaper." She said, giving me attitude. "Okay okay, I've never done this before. Don't judge me lil J." She started giggling again. It's safe to say she's enjoying this.
I grabbed the new diaper and was about to close it when lil J yelled "NO" almost giving me a heart attack. "But we're done right?" I asked, rethinking everything I did. "Cream." She said as she gave me a little tube." I looked at the tube, not knowing what to do with it. "On booty." Janae said in as I'd like to call it a 'duh tone'. I opened the tube and carefully applied it to his ass. When I was done I slowly closed the diaper hoping Janae wouldn't come with another step.

"Are we done now?" I asked her to which she responded with a yes. I high-fived her and kissed Josiah's cheek. It hasn't really sunk in that this is my child. I mean I always treated Janae like she was mine, but this is different.

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Words: 1104
Published: March 18th 2020 (literally a month later 🥴 I'm sorry)

Mini me; Zion KuwonuOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz