Chapter 14: Mother

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Elise is inside her room preparing for her date with Kyle. She is wearing a royal blue dress, but she can't close the zipper at her back

Then suddenly her mom stepped inside her room. She looked at her daughter and leaned against the door frame crossing her arms

" You look pretty. Where are you going? " She asked but elise just ignored her and still trying to zip the dress

Her mom grabbed her hands and pulled her at her direction. Elise struggled but her mom was stronger

She closed the zipper and turned Elise around, she was looking at her mom angrily

" Why it coudn't fit you? We just bought it moths ago " Her mom asked her seriously

" Are you saying that I'm fat?! " Elise shouted again making her shocked

" You're so annoying. Bye I have a date! " Elise walked pass her mother making sure she would bump into her shoulder

Elise walked out the bathroom still only with her robe. She was walking along her room but she suddenly saw her mother standing infront of her bed

" What do you think you're doing? Why are you inside my room? " Elise asked her with an angry tone. Her mother looked at her

She suddenly walked alomg Elise's direction and grabbed her shoulder pulling her harshly

" Ouch! What do you think you're doing?! " Elise asked her. She was scaning her head, already pulling her hair

" Mom! " Elise shouted and struggled at her mom's grip. She suddenly let go of her

Elise looked at her angrily

" What?! " Elise asked her with a angry manner

" I'm sorry, I just have to check " Then she walked leaving Elise

Elise rolled her eyes looking into her so called mother walking out at her room

" Bitch " She walked into her closet and grabbed some clothes to wear. She looked into the mirror

She saw her reflection, her face

" Elise " She spoke and suddenly became angry. She grabbed a empty bottle beside her and throw at the mirror

" I'm not scared of you " She walked and changed still looking at the broken mirror. Still she saw her reflection, but it's different. It's not Elise anymore

After changing she grabbed her phone at the table and layed on her bed. But suddenly she heard a loud thud

When looked around she saw her mother, holding a gun in her hand, aiming to shot her "

" Where's my daughter? "

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