Chapter 17: Reveal

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" Hi mom " Rose greeted her with a huge smile plastered on her face. She visited Bridjette at the prison

" Stop calling me mom. You're not my daughter " Bridjette answered angrily, looking into her eyes

Rose laughed sarcastically

" Oh, yeah. I'm not you'r daughter, because She's already dead " Rose said sarcastically making her clench her fist

" You killed her " Bridjette looked at her angrily

" But you killed my parents. We're just the same " Rose answered her arrogantly

" What does my daughter done to you? Why did you killed her? She doesn't know everything about your parents! " Bridjette shouted, but Rose just laughed at her

" I don't care if She doesn't know my parensts. She's still your daughter, and you're her mother, who killed my parents. A murderer! " Rose answered her angrily

" You call me a murderer? Then what do you cay yourself? A psycho? " Bridjette said sarcastically, making Rose annoyed

" Yeah, I'm a psycho. A psycho who only wants justice for my parents. Because you killed them using that fire! " Rose shouted infront of her face. Bridjette shutted her eyes

" You started the fire, without knowing that you'll make the families of those peoples that being burned mourning. You didn't even cared about those childrens who had beed abandoned by their parents because of that fire " Rose clenched her jaw looking directly into her wgich were shutting her eyes

" Now look at me " Rose commanded her but she didn't looked

" Look at me " Rose held her jaw making Bridjette look

" It really hurts so much when your loved ones die right? Your daughter died because of me " Rose tightened her grip at her jaw making her shout

" Do you also want to know why Jarred died? " Rose asked her. She looked directly into her ayes angrily

" You bitch! " Bridjette tried to  remove her hands but she can't

" I killed him "

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