Chapter 19: Plan

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" I acted like I was just an innocent woman in the streets who saved your daughter. That accident was not a real accident, me and Tristan planned it. Aren't you curious why I survived at the fire and Elise didn't? " She asked Bridjette who was just sitting infront of her listening. She didn't answered making her frown

" It's also my plan. Tristan was the one who started the fire. And when Elise came back to help me, that was the next plan. I changed our clothes and locked her in the closet. You burned my parent so I burned your daughter. Quits isn't it? " Rose sked her sarcastically

" You bitch! How can you do that to her?! She's innocent! " Bridjette slapped Rose in her right cheek. But instead of being angry, She just laughed

" She was so dumb, self centered and jelous, just like her mother " Rose glared at her angrily

" You're a heartless, poor bitch! " Bridjette shouted

" And you're a Souless, dumb bitch. How can't you even recognize that I'am not your daughter? How Stupid " Rose rolled her eyes

" How about Grace? Are you also the one who killed her? " Bridjette asked her

" What a stupid question. Of course. Actually She wasn't even part of my plan, But she's so smart. So I have no choice but to kill her, actually poison her " Rose leaned at the back rest of the chair that she was sitting and crossed her arms

" You're evil! You killed those innocent souls just to take revenge at me?! Just to make sure that I will be thrown into this jail! " Brigjette shouted but she was surprised because Rose doesn't look terrified

" And you're evil to. You killed my parents, so I killed them. You deserve to be this jail because you're a murderer " Rose said sarcastically

" You shall be inside this jail. You're a psychopath murderer! " Bridjette aimed to slap her but Rose held her arms tightly making her whine in pain

" But I did in in the right place. I did it to have justice " Rose slapped Bridjette in her left cheek

" Bye. Mom " Rose rolled her eyes and walked leaving Bridjette alone inside feeling the pain, not because of Rose's slap but because of her words

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