Chapter 15: Accident

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" Mom, put the gun down " Elise said raising her hands above her hands

" Where's my daugher?! " Her mom repeated, still looking into Elise, angrily with her gun pointing at her

" Mom It's me! I'm you'r daughter! " Elise shouted

" Don't lie to me! You're not my daughter! " She pulled the trigger, ready to shot her

" Mom It's me! " Elise shouted

" No you're not! Elise has a stitch at her head. She had an accident when she was thirteen years old! But you don't have it! You don't have three stiches in the head! " Her mom aimed the gun directly at her

" Mom! I have a laser surgery, remember?! I was thirteen years old when I fell on my bike, a pink bike! You were screaming, and bought me in the nearest hospital! " Elise shouted

" How did you know that? " Her mom asked her

" Because I'am you daughter! I'm Elise mom! " Elise answered. Her mom got back into her senses and throw the gun at the ground, crying

" Mom it's me " Elise stood up at her bed looking at her awful mom, crying while sitting on the floor

" Elise " Her mom looked at her, then pulled her for a hug

" I'm so sorry, Elise. I'm just stressed out and... " Her mom spoke, crying hugging her daughter

" Mom, don't feel sorry " Elise rubbed her mom's back, comforting her

Their drama stopped when one of their maids rushed at them, panicking

Elise removed her arms around her mom and looked athe the maid infront of them. She look nervous. So nervous

" Ma'am the police is outside looking for you " The maid suddenly spoke. Elose looked at her mom, she looked really surprised

" Bridjette Johasson " They looked at the person who entered Elise's room. It was a man, a police

" We have a warrant of arrest for you " The police spoke making Elise shocked

" For what?! " Elise asked the police

" You'r husband already told the truth. You are the one who started the fire at the Cathedral corporate " The police stated looking directly at Bridjette. Elise was surprised at the statement

" No! She can't do that! " Elise shouted but another pair of policemen appeared and grabbed her mom

Elise was shouting when her mom was taken away to her

" Elise, stay strong! I'm going back okay?! " Her mom was struggling from the grip of the two policemen inside the car

Elise was already crying looking at her mother being taking away by the police, for starting a fire. For killing Rose's parents

' Greatly you, didn't cried for my loss, Bridjette '

' Becase I'm all alive '

Elise smirked at the car, looking directly into her so called mother

' I'm so tired of pretending '

Her mom was shocked when she smirked, looking happy

" You bitch! " Bridjette shouted

' Because I'am not Elise '

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