Chapter 9

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We arrive at the Baxter Building and I feel Johnny's hands linger on my waist longer than they should have.

"Scarlett, Johnny!" I look to see Susan staring at us and I also see a normal Ben. No longer a rock Ben. To be truthful I have become fond of rock Ben. I look at them and Sue has a worried look on her face.

"Ben!" I rush over and help Susan help him over to where I was. Johnny works alongside me to hold him up.

"Goodness, Ben!" Johnny and I scold at the same time. We glance over at each other with a smile. We know we're amazing.

"I go away, look what happens. You have a lot of explaining to do!" Johnny smirks and I let a little grin slip. He can be funny and cool at times.

"T-the machine works. Vic's gone-" Ben stutters.

"Really? With a name like Von Doom. Never saw that coming." Johnny stretches out the Doom in the last name. I let out a weak laugh.

"Where is my brother!?" I ask looking around the room. I soon become worried when I see nor hear any sign from him. I look at Ben pointedly.

"Victor must've taken him." Ben says and I begin to growl with anger. Johnny puts and arm on my shoulder.

"He is going to get it!" I shrug off Johnnys arm and walk out towards the small balcony that is a small substitute for me. I stop short.

"Sue, Johnny!" I yell and we see a missile flying from the Von Dom building. Johnny and Sue come rushing over to me. "It looks to be heat seeking." I say and look at Johnny and Johnny looks at himself.

"Oh great!" He walks to the ledge of my substitute balcony and looks down at the busy street below. I then notice what I think he's doing.

"Johnny, what are you doing?" I ask him and I see him considering his plan.

"Guys, let me take care of you for once." He stands back and looks at me before gives me a quick kiss. "In case I don't come back." Then he runs and jumps off the edge.

"Johnny, No!" Sue and I yell at the same time. She rush to the edge and watch as Johnny's whole body catches on fire and flies down the streets of New York.

"Go, Johnny!" I yell. Sue and I rush back near Ben who is struggling to stand up.

"We need to help Reed!" He exclaims while looking at the Von Doom building across the scenery.

"Ben, you got what you wanted." I say to him and pat his shoulder. "You can't fight." I tell him and almost regret it, but he got what he wanted.

"You need to stay here. It's too dangerous for you now." Sue says and I nod in agreement. We start walking towards the elevator and I turn to see Ben looking at us helpless. I grab Sue's arm.

"Oh wait!" I spread my wings out.

"Here take this." She hands me a blue tooth ear piece. "I am going to run there once I get there I'm sure Victor will be there. I will keep you on the line and I will call for you. Crash through the windows okay?" I nod and she runs off. I spread my wings and fly to a closer building to the Von Doom building. Suddenly I see a boom in the river and I know its Johnny. I shed a tear for him and focus on avenging him.

"What has he done to you?" I hear Sue say to Reed. I watch their interaction from the other rooftop, but I can't see Sue.

"How romantic." I hear Victor say and I ball my hands into a fist. I see Susan appear next to Reed.

"Victor, please..." Susan pleads.

"It's Doctor Doom to you." Victor's voice gets darker and I begin to growl.

"We know the machine works. It worked on Ben, It'll work on you. We can turn you back..." Susan says trying to get him to change. She wants him to give up what he is trying to work on.

"Do you really think fate turned us into Gods so we could refused these gifts?" I growl louder. There is only one God and I know for a fact he doesn't dress like that.

"Victor, you always thought you were a God. There is only one God and I'm pretty sure he's not as ugly as you." I stop growling at the comment and smile. Way to go, Susan!

"Susan please, let's not fight." Victor sneers at her and I shake my head.

"No, Victor... Let's" and I watch as Susan sends a purple field into Victor.

"Susan, you're fired!" I then watch as Victor sends a shockwave of electricity into Susan. Susan flies back into the wall and onto a wooden post. She then turns invisible. I stretch my wings out getting ready to take flight.

"One more minute, Scar." I hear and ready myself to take flight.

"Marco..." Victor growls. I see a faint shimmer of Susan and then it's gone. "Polo." He answers. Be then begins to send force fields.

"Scar, Now!" she yells and the next thing I know I've crashed into the windows and into the room where we got the job in the first place. I have a layer of ice coating me from my burns.

"Oh, that party just dropped by." Victor says and I know he is smirking behind the mask. I never liked Victor and now I know why. "Let's see what happens when the Cold Angel and Doctor Doom collide." He sends a burst of electricity towards and I dodge it. I run at him and push him to the ground. He gets up from the ground a moment later.

"Let's end this." I see a flash of orange and then hear.

"No Vic, its clobbering time." I watch as Victor flies across the room. And into the wall his big V falling on him.

"Dang, I wanted to do that!" I fake pout.

"Sorry, sunshine." Ben laughs. "What did I tell you, Reed? You cannot trust-" He is cut off by Victor.

"Ben, watch out!" I yell and Victor and Ben fly out the window I crashed through. I watch as they crash into a pool and then I rush to help Sue unhook Reed from the freezing machine.

"Go help, Ben." Reed struggles to get out. I nod and jump out the window opening my wings. I see Ben flip and car over and smash Victor and I just fly there waiting to help. I watch as Ben is flown back and almost gets stabbed and soar down and stop when I see and unfrozen Reed.

"I can't let you do that." He says and I agree because I won't stand for it.

"Reed, I'll be right with you." He turns again and I soar down again to see Sue put a force field around Ben. I smirk.

"Hello, Susan." He says and I see my chance. I swoop down and kick him in the back making him fall, giving Ben a chance to get up.

"Hello, Angel!" he says trying to sound sweet, but his voice drips with sarcasm. I send a glare at him, but include a smirk.

"What is this, the pitiful four?" Victor smirks. Suddenly and fireball is sent down his right side revealing a metal arm. There is only one person who can do that. I look over to see Johnny landing right next to me. My almost drops to the floor.

"Five." Johnny growls at Victor. "Had a little relapse, huh? Glad to have you back." Johnny smirks at Ben who is safely beside Reed. I can tell Victor has something planned. I would read his mind but I'm not focused enough.

"This is going to be fun!" I hear Victor laugh evilly. You can see the electricity coursing through Victor's body. His arms are splayed wide causing electricity to fill him and making the streets be torn up and wind to be blown.

Suddenly I realize why he said "Let's see what happens when Cold Angel and Doctor Doom collide." My body is mostly made of water when I'm in my super human form. So I am both vulnerable in my human and super human form. Hey sends a burst of electricity sending Johnny and Ben backwards.

"Scar, I'm ready to experiment now!" Victor smirks referring to his words back in the Von Doom building. I spread my wings as if I'm going to take off and send he sends a burst of electricity higher than he did as I duck. It hits the pole behind me, sending me to the ground with it on top of me.

The Fantastic Four (The Human Torch) Marvel Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now