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Marihana p.o.v.
Chris or some guy had his hand wrapped around me as I grinded against him.

I felt loose and wild and crazy. I felt great.

"Hey!" Xavier walked towards us. "Get your hands off her"

"Dude we're dancing" Chris or not Chris said.

"Get your hands off my girl" Xavier repeated taking a threatening step towards him.

"Your girl?" I think it's Chris says. "I didn't know man" he pulled away from me and ran off somewhere.

What's with these guys?

"What do you want?" I began walking off the dance floor.

"Where are you going?" Xavier ran up behind me.

"I'm going somewhere where you are not" I replied and continued walking.

"Is it like that now Anna?" Xavier questions. "I thought we were friends"

"Who gave you that impression" I said. "We aren't even..." I felt bile in my throat and I ran to the front door.

I climbed down the steps and ran over to a tree. The last step I took was too much for my stomach. Everything started coming up.

I felt my hair being pulled back and then heard Xavier's voice. "Let it all out love" he rubbed circles on my back as I continued to puke my tripe out.

I used my hand to wipe my mouth and moved away from the tree.

Xavier led me back over to the steps and made me sit with him. He took his jacket off and wrapped it around me and I rested my head against his chest.

"Thanks" I muttered.

"It's okay darling" Xavier held me close to him.

I woke up in the back of a car with my head rested on someone's lap. I opened my eyes fully to see that my head was rested on Summer and Lizzie was driving with Ashley passed out in the passenger seat.

"What happened?" I groaned, pressing my hand to my forehead.

"You had too much to drink" Lizzie replied. She looked around at me then back at the road.

"Ashley too" Summer adds.

"Why does my head and stomach hurt so much?" I ask sitting up.

"You threw up" Summer answers this time. "About ten times"

"That's why my mouth taste so awful" I said.

The car came to a stop and I looked out the window to see that we were now at my house.

I climbed out the car, grabbing onto the door so I don't fall over. Summer helped me up to the front door before going back down to the car.

As I stepped inside the house my nose was met with the smell of bleach. Lots of it.

"Mom" I closed the door and wobbled my way to the kitchen. Mom was down on her knees scrubbing the floor with a brush.

"Hi sweetie" Mom smiled when she saw me. "How was the party?"

"It was okay" I replied. "What are you doing?"

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