Happy :(

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Eddie POV
I was walking back home after bumping in to Richie that was probably the happiest I had been in so long seeing Richie made something in side me click but my happiness faded when I saw bowers he was after me I knew it but I needed to go that way to get to my house I could go the other way but that's where the homeless people sleep and I rather die then go down that way so I turned around and walked a little faster but I don't think that helped because bowers was coming towards me faster then normal but for some reason I just wished Richie was there to help me and tell bowers to fuck off at this point I was running as fast as I could by the time I realize where I was I was at the quarry and it wasn't just bowers chasing me now it was his whole gang I didn't know what to do I heard screams and then a riCHieEeee and a StaN bE hAppY or I will throw you in the water all I could think about was jumping in because Bowers had a knife so I ran to the edge of the quarry and I jumped but I forgot I don't know how to swim and I thought that was it for me good bye world

But then I woke up I didn't know where I was but I was in dry clothes that were big really big and I was in someone's bed but I couldn't remember anything I heard the toilet flush and a very sleepy Richie come out of the bathroom with bed head

Ed's your awake are you ok

Ya I'm ok rich but I don't remember what happened

Like at all

Well I remember jumping in the water and not being able to swim

Well ya but you did wake up you looked dizzy and that's what I realized we should leave the quarry and you should come to my house when you jump in the water we saw bowers look over the edge and laugh

Oh... yeah he was chasing me with his knife I had no choice I started tearing up in front of Richie Richie wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear it's OK you're going to be OK I couldn't help but blush it felt so good to be in his arms I felt so safe.

Also thank you for three reads on my first one I know it's not a lot but it means the most to me 💓💓💓💓

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