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I went in the shower and washed off

I got a new dress on and a new pair of socks



Good night I love you

Good night love you more

When I heard her say good night to everyone else and walk off I got out of bed I went to rains door And I tried to open it

Come on door please I want to sleep in here please
I started to cry just open I went in my room and got blankets and I laid them down and I slept outside rains door



What are you doing out here

Rains door wouldn't open

Here I will

It is stuck can I have a little help poppy

Um how do I help

Use your key on the door ok


I did what Rob said and it opened

Everything was gone it was pitch black

I went in to rain special room nothing

Rain can you hear me

Do something if you can

Nothing happened

I walked out

And went into my colour fitting room

My rooms colour was gone

All of it was faded now

I looked at my hand it was getting more clear

I closed my door and I barricaded it with everything I had dressers my bedframe my mattress

I still had the Beautiful necklace rain got me

I fell asleep on the floor with some blankets and a pillow

Poppy it's Eddie are you ok





Are you ok

I'm fine


I hated when people ask me if I am OK and everyone asks me this because they know I'm dying

My room got darker

But I didn't become any more clear so maybe my room moves faster

Poppy it's mom can I come in


I'm fine

Can I come in

I'm busy right now

Ok I love you

Love you too

I looked at myself In the mirror

I pick something up and I threw it at the mirror and it smashed Glass went everywhere

Reddie//with out meWhere stories live. Discover now