What Romeo and Juliet Could Have Been~Honey

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Romeo and Juliet

Had spent one day to fall in love

And took their own lives two days later.

50% of marriage ends in divorce currently.

Theirs was unplanned and spontaneous.

When Romeo and Juliet got married,

Divorce wasn't an option.

If they hadn't died,

Would their children go to school

While their parents were at home fighting?

Would their children believe in love

When their parents couldn't find it in each other?

Or was their bliss everlasting,

The way we all hoped it would?

Did they truly plan on

Being together forever?

Their future may have been unplanned

But they were happy.

They may not have known

What was going to happen next

Would go the way that it did,

But they may have done it either way.

Their quick decisions have always

Shocked the people who were

Lucky enough to bear witness.

Romeo and Juliet are

Eternal symbols of love.

If they hadn't died,

Their children could have

Watched something much more beautiful

Than anything anybody else has seen

In this world.

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