You Disgust Me, Love-Xoxo~Coco

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I keep writing songs,

chicken scratch that litters the bathroom walls like wet hair.

I keep falling into a certain rhythm of

hate this, not that

The keys of the piano..

Sometimes they twist and warp into an endless sea of black and white

And I, enchanted, cannot look away.




look away.

And soon I become one with the music.

I have become one

- for the first time -

with something that isn't you!

And, oh, I'm sure you're just fuming at the thought.

You, with your senseless talk

and your putrid words.

You seem to only ever hold a flame,

or even a flicker of a torch,

for your own childish intentions.

You sit there,

watching over all of us

with this dominating smirk on your face.

Playing God.

But I can see you now,

beaten and exhausted;

The sweat rolling down your temples

like rain from hell.

And I only lie there

(the music reaching a sweet crescendo)

with a smile upon my teary eyes.

Written In VerseWhere stories live. Discover now