Ode to A Bloody Kingdom~Coco

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A sort of sickness runs through this house.

Closed doors hide a world of lies.

But no longer do I hide in the shadow!

Watch my pale face shine in the sunlight and the glory.

I will hiss like a snake as you cower beneath my feet.

My throne sits, a beauty in the dark.

But the darkness is my weapon, honey, it's a gun.

And you?


you're standing at the end of the barrel.

The ground will rumble,

signalling death for all,

as I laugh in the depths of my hell.

Bow, then!


to your foolish hopes.

To your misguided faith.

I will show you true power.

As the world dies off

from its unforgettable sins

- a terrible disease, mind you -

I will sanitize your culture,

rid you of all your horrible antics

that seem to spread like a raging virus.

I did not come into this world

asking for your permission,

so I will not leave it

listening to you beg for forgiveness.

As I walk through the destruction and mayhem

I caused in such little time,

I hear a voice;

a drawn out shout:


then a scream.

Oh, I'll tell you why.

I wanted an ounce of respect.

Now I've built a whole bloody kingdom, bitch.

Written In VerseWhere stories live. Discover now