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Chanyeol 's pov

I can't believe my mom is a witch I need to protect baek from her otherwise she will kill him and our unborn child

I took baek to another house have bought when he fainted,,,

I was about to call the doctor when I saw mom coming in a witch form I looked at my wife to see he still not woken up

I pulled mom with holy thread till she fall down

I was about to kill her when my wife pulled me

Please don't kill her our son will kill her it's just one month time to give birth hubby

We run from there to meet our dad

Chanyeol :dad do you know mom is a witch

Mr Park :like this son

You two dad how could you

Mr Park :i want to live long so am going to kill your unborn child

No dad please don't do this to me please

He was about to stab my wife when I pushed him till he hit his head on a stone and died,,,

Let's get going faster bby we don't have time please

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