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My name is Robin Amberstone . I'm short, 17 years old and have a huge fear of death by suffocation. Was that last part necessary? No. But if you want to read my story, you have to get used to me saying random things out of context.
Anyways, as the tradition goes, here are some of my friends and how I envision them.

Whitelight Pureheart. Yes, I am naming my friends for the sake of continuity. He's Pure... like literally. 17 years old now and he's my closest friend.(It's his birthday today btw) Hes tall and his punches hurt a lot.

Mark Robertson, this guy is a really good student. So... Mark(s). Same as earlier, but not as tall. Taller than me though. This guy used to be in a football club.

Molly Hogan, He was the guy with the most hillarious laugh. He used to joke around a lot and man it was generally fun being around him. I'm using past tense because he changed schools later on.

Yazhan Kameo, yeah... this one's tricky. We used to be like best bros. But things happened in the middle and we drifted apart for some time. But good news! We patched up and guess with whom I literally stay up all night now. Yeah. We were always crazy together.

These were my BESTIEST friends. My only thing to look forward to every day...

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