The Spring and the Autumn(First Part)

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Looking back at life at 17 might seem over-dramatic to some people. I can understand. However, that's exactly what this story is about. So, buckle up!

I think Spring and Autumn are very important seasons. The transition between Winter and Summer, cold and warm. Our lives are no different. You might like one or the other, or both or none. It is entirely up to you. But the transition is always important. It is the short period of time when you can see both worlds, peek over both walls at the same time. I feel like I am currently in such a state. School life is pretty much over. However, all of us school friends are still close as ever. On the other hand, we are all preparing for what's to come. Our new life.

No one wants our friendships to end. But the sad truth is almost 80% of all of our memories are going to dissolve beyond any hope for reconciliation in this ever flowing river of "life". So, naturally we would want to spend the last days going around having fun with our buddies.

However.... 2020.... The psychopath child of "Time" who throws a tantrum every other second decided otherwise.

What better time to look back? The future seems depressing enough, why not indulge myself in my own story of my past. What is weird is the fact that I never had any idea of how depressing my past was. I have to say, I even surprised myself.

So, according to my mother, I was a "good" child. That means I was the least annoying among the two brothers.

Quick tip to my fellow younger brothers and sisters, DON'T be too good to your parents when you are small. Your parents might not remember much from your past.

ESPECIALLY, if you both have the same birth date.

The only thing my mother repeats all the time is how I always wanted to go to school as a child. I would always nag about how my brother had school while all I did was watch TV.

As a result, I was sent to this nursery when I was 2 and a half years of age. The beginning of the story.

Next year, me and my brother changed schools. The new one had an enormous campus. Trees and bushes everywhere. Beautiful. And that's it. That's all I as well as my mother can remember from that period of time.

The thing is, my mother is an Assistant Professor in an All-girls college while my father is a doctor. Well we all know how that goes. Empty house all the time, being raised by people who barely care about me (housemaids) and off course I had to learn everything on my own. Well not EVERYTHING but you get the gist of it. 

The important part is that I was lonely. But I was an unbelievably tolerant kid. This one time I had such a bad adenoid infection that I punctured my left ear-drum. I woke up the next day with blood all over my face. My mother had a panic attack that day and my father, who was out of town, came rushing back.

I felt guilty. I was also a bit happy too. Which again, made me feel more guilty. 

I decided that day I would be a solo act.

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