Chapter 2

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"So here we are m'lady," Derrick says with an award-winning smile. I return that smile shyly, and thank him. About to open the door he grabs my wrist, well my sweatshirt covering my wrist.

"What time is your appointment done?"

I look at him in confusion. I don't get to leave. Oak Avenue Rehab Center doesn't allow their patients to leave unless it is with a family member or relative.

"I'm not allowed to leave." I say to his adorable little grin he is giving me.

"What do you mean?" Confusion evident in his voice. His eyebrows are crinkled just the right amount that it is too adorable not to admire.

"I am not really-uh-allowed to leave because of my-"

He interrupts me. "Oak Avenue Rehab Center? I heard they were having their patients take therapy here. I understand," he grins ", but when are your sessions?"

I look around the hallway, wondering if I should trust him with my schedule, for all I know he could be an ax murderer and I am his next victim.

"Don't worry, I am not a murderer." Did he just read my mind?

I tuck a strand of my long lifeless blonde hair behind my ear and mumble "3-5 weekdays."

He laughs at me. Why is he laughing at me? I didn't say anything funny did I?

"W-Why are you laughing?"

"No reason at all doll. I'll see you tomorrow then.

He called me doll. I barely know him. Am I overthinking things again? I always do that. It is such a horrible habit that I need to break. He walked quite slowly back to his session, while I struggle to find the courage to open the door, fearing that behind the door lies all of my secrets and memories that I don't want to remember or relive.

Am I being over dramatic? Most likely so. That's what all the girls called me back at school. They never did leave me alone. They pushed me around in the hallway and called me a wide load almost every day. The boys tried to trip me as I walk and when I fell they asked if anyone else felt that earthquake. I never was the slimmest or the most beautiful in my school, and that made me stick out and when people stick out of a crowd, they get torn to shreds; piece by piece by piece.

The wooden door stares at me. I threaten it with a stare off. Trying to figure out who will win this battle was an easy one. Of course the door because it flew open and there stood Dr. Lorraine.

"I thought I heard someone breathing behind my door. Were you talking to someone?"

"No." I simply say.

"I know when someone is lying."

I didn't say anything after because she didn't deserve to get to know me. Who is she to come into my life and take over everything?

I walked back into the room and took a seat in the uncomfortable chair. Looking at the clock and realizing I was only 30 minutes into the session devastated me.

"Ok. Gwen. You are have the potential to-" after Dr. Lorraine started talking I kind of zoned out. I didn't want to hear all the lies she wants to put inside my head. I start to think about Derrick. He was sweet to me. The first guy in a long time to look at me and not be disgusted at seeing a walking skeleton, also known as myself.

His brown eyes were dreamy, even though I only looked at them for half a second. Any longer I might have passed out.

"Gwen! Are you even listening to me?" I snap back to the present to notice that Dr. Lorraine is looking very impatient.

I don't lie because my parents taught me better then that.

"No, not really."

Her sigh could probably be heard from China. If you did not get that analogy. She sighed very loudly. Almost took my eardrum out.

There I go again. Over dramatic once again.

"As I was saying, I want you to go to a therapy group. You'll be surrounded with kids with the same or similar disorders you have. It will be very helpful. You're interested right?" She gave me a hopeful look.

My parents did teach me not to lie but if it's to make someone happy, and to get someone off my case.

"Ya-uh-sure I guess."

She smiled and I knew, I just knew, I made a mistake by saying yes to going to this therapy group.

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