Waking Up To Suitcases and Mice

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        "Zoe, wake up!" Bethany yelled. I know she's my best friend, but I do need to get my sleep! "What are you doing?" I murmered. Surprised that she actually heard me, her eyes widened. "What do you mean? I thought you were ready!" She claimed. I looked at her and then at her suitcase. "Where are you going?" I said, getting my jacket on. I didn't realize I had slept in the clothes from yesterday. "Did Nibbles eat your brain or something?" She blurted. I looked at her and thought about if I should've laughed at that or been offended. (Nibbles is the cat) "Bethany, you know we're going to my Grandma's house next week, right?" I asked while glaring at her. "What? I am almost sure you said we're going on Saturday!" She said. "Yeah, next Saturday." I replied. She gave herself a big slap in the face, and let out a long, "Ooooooooh."

        We both entered the kitchen and stared at the mouse that was frolicking across the floor. "What... Is...That?!" Bethany screamed as she jumped onto the chair. "Nibbles!" I yelled. Out of the corner came Nibbles, the cat. "You can get down now." I laughed. "I was just pretending to be scared." She lied. "Mhmmm." I hummed. I stared as the cat swallowed the mouse in a whole gulp. "I didn't even know cats can do that." I whispered. "They can't, his throat is just enormous." She giggled. 

        Is it just me, or is Bethany completely clueless? She's nice and all but sometimes I feel like she's just so...What's the word? Joyful. Even in the worst times, she's like a little ray of happiness. And she wonders why Jackie and the group of cool girls don't like her. Middle school was a horrible pain to me, but to her it was like another day of Christmas. The only time she had ever gotten sad was when her pet rock had supposingly, "died". She even tried flushing it down the toilet, and that's why the plumber guy dislikes us. Even if she is just some person that is all happy and "sparklicious", she's MY happy and sparklicious friend.

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