Chinese Food & Accusions

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        I got in the car and started driving. I was planning on eating at Chopsticks, the Chinese Resteraunt, that everybody seemed to love. In fact, I have never went there, and I hope that this place will be better than sweet soup. I arrived and looked at the big sign saying, "Chopsticks" in big red letters. 

        As I entered I noticed how big it was. People were swarming everywhere like bee's. Waitors and customers, both buzzing about. And I'm standing here, thinking about how I should hold my chopsticks. I looked around, and I saw a women behind a desk. That must've been the front desk. So I walked up to her, and asked for a free table, and she stared at me with a strange face. Suddenly, she called over a man, and started talking in her language. She was pointing at me, and my face got red. "You need a table? Come over here!" The man said with an accent. I sat down and he gave me the menu, I looked at the choises as he stared at me. "Eggrolls, please" I whispered. He smiled and nodded.

        The man walked over to the front desk, picked up the telephone and put in three numbers. I looked back and a family was happy and joyful. They reminded me of Bethany. And a family in front of me was quiet and picking at their food. They reminded me of...Well, me.  Out of nowhere, a cop burst through the door and came over to my table. "I will need to see your lisence, please." He said with a deep voice. I started to panic, and gave him my lisence as fast as possible. Everyone was staring, you know, because I was bursting into tears when he told me that I was needed to be taken downtown. "What's the problem?" A familiar voice said. The cop moved over, and there was Bethany. "Phew!" I thought, she's going to bail me out of this problem. "This lady is accused of stealing a car." He said. She looked out the windows and saw my car standing out there. "Which car exactly?" She said with a squint. "The red one." He replied. "Don't worry officer, that's her car."She said innocently. The cop shaked her hand and let out a big sigh.

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