Where She Hid The Cat Food

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        I put on my cow slippers and hopped out onto the balcony. That is, until I heard Nibbles slightly farting. Any other cat would just meow if it's hungry, but no. That's not the way Nibbles reminds you to feed him. I looked in the cupboards, where it usually is, but it wasn't there. "Bethany, do you know where the cat food is?" I said as she turned on some soap opera show. "Look in the back of your car!" She said. I thought she was joking, until I searched the whole house and realized she was completely serious.

        I opened the trunk of my car, and saw the bag of cat food lying there. "Why did she put it here?" I thought. I grabbed the bag and went back into the house. I looked at her and put the bag up to her face. "Why was this in my car?" I questioned her. "It's Baggy. He's coming with us to your Grandma!" She said. I stared at her like she was some sort of idiot. She was, and I'm sure she knew it. 

        Sometimes I wish Bethany would be a normal girl. But no, that's not possible. At least, not for her. We've known each other since the age of four, considering the fact that my mother forced me to "socialize" with her, I did. And that's how we're friends now. I'm not sure if she's completely opposite from me, but like they say, opposites attract. Baggy the cat food bag, is surely NOT coming with us.

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