The escape

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We got in the car as she stared out the window. I felt as if I was her mother. And she was my wretched daughter. I didn't know if I should've thanked her for saving my chances in prison, but I didn't. I was still mad. "Bethany, I need to talk to you." I said, turning the wheel. "Yes?" She replied with a smile. "You're kind of bothering me. And I'm sick of it." We stopped. We got out of the car as she slammed the door. "What? So that's what I get for keeping you out of jail?" She screamed. We went inside and didn't speak for the rest of the day.

        I was in my bed, looking up at my cieling. Suddenly, I heard a door slam. I ran through the kitchen and the living room, and even through her room. She was gone, and I didn't even know where she was heading to. I ran outside and saw her in her car driving away. "Bethany!" I yelled. I ran after her car, until I was completely out of breath. I stopped running, I just stood there. I felt a tear coming down my cheek.

        I walked inside and thought about the talk we had in the car. "THE CAR!" I thought. I grabbed my keys and ran into my car. I quickly tried to start it, but nothing happened. I turned the key again. Nothing. Bethany was gone, forever.

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