What the twins were like when they were younger.

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5 years later, Kazumi and Kazumo both had a question in mind for a long time, they were wondering what they were like when they were 3 months old. "Daddy?" asked Kazumi. "What were we like when we were younger?" "Well Kazumo, you were quiet and behaved a lot." said Izuku. "Kazumi, on the other hand..."


Twins age: 3 months old

Katsuki was warming up 2 milk bottles so it won't burn the twins' throats, he tested it on his hand, and it was hot, he took a pillow and screamed into it. Kazumi cried a lot, Kazumo was quiet most of the time, One time Kazumo was climbing on the dresser in the master bedroom and went into a drawer and the drawer almost fell, Luckily Izuku saw and caught him before he fell. Kazumi was pulling onto the tablecloth when a vase almost fell onto her, Luckily, Bakugou saw and caught it before it fell onto her. After Izuku and Bakugou got done cleaning the bathroom, they saw the twins draw on the wall. "You've got to be kidding me." said Izuku.

Twins age: 3 years old

"All right, guys! Time for preschool!" said Izuku, "Wait, where's Kazumi and Kacchan?"

Suddenly Izuku heard thumping and screaming upstairs, and then, the door busted open.

"NO! NO! I DON'T WANNA GO TO PRESCHOOL!" screamed Kazumi. "TOO BAD! YOUR GOING, YOU LITTLE BRAT!" screamed Bakugou. At the preschool, Katsuki held Kazumi over his shoulder so she wouldn't run away. Kazumi tried to squirm her way out.

One day, when Izuku was pregnant with Sophie, Kazumo was downstairs doing a puzzle with Katsuki, while Kazumi was dressed head to toe in pots and pans hitting the pans and pots, yelling, "I AM SO GREAT! I AM SO GREAT! EVERYBODY LOVES ME! I AM SO GREAT!" "Sweetie, can you please keep it down?" asked Izuku. "I'll deal with Kazumi, I'll be with you in a sec." said Katsuki, as he put Kazumi downstairs to watch cartoons with her brother.

Flashback ends

At bedtime

"Mommy, will I ever be a brat?" asked Kazumi. "No, sweetheart, you might change or stay the same later in life. Good night!" "Good night!" said Kazumi.

And the twins fell asleep.

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