Kazumi's problem about being different

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At recess, the girls were picking flowers, while Kazumi was picking something different. "I found a dandelion and daisies!" said Miki. (Daughter of Mina and god-sister of Kazumi) "What did you find, Kazumi?" asked Himari. (Daughter of Sero and Kaminari) "I found these!" said Kazumi with a handful of bugs and a lizard. The girls screamed. But the boys thought it was cool. At show and tell, the girls had Barbie dolls with pink clothes and accessories. The boys didn't like what the girls brought, but Kazumi brought a pack of rubber bugs and a toy dinosaur. The girls screamed, but the boys thought it was cool! She went shopping with Kimi, Miki, and Kiki (Sister of Kazukun). She loved the icecream but hated the dress and pink. When she got home, Kazumi looked herself in a mirror. "Kids! Dinner!" yelled Deku. Kazumo went down but Kazumi kept looking herself in a mirror. Kacchan then asked Kazumi, "What's wrong?" Kazumi explained about how she hates being a girly girl and wants to be a tomboy. Kacchan said, "We can take you shopping for boy clothes if you like!" Kazumi nodded.

The next day, Kazumi was walking with her friends in her striped black and orange long-sleeved shirt with a black t-shirt over it, black shorts, and black sneakers, along with a backwards black cap. Kazumi was glad about being herself.

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