Father's Day special

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As the twins were getting ready for father's day, Kazumi was putting eggs in the microwave (because she's doesen't know how to use the stove) and put two pieces of bread in the toaster, and poured 2 cups in of orange juice. While Kazumo was putting roses in a vase and drew them a poem.

"Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Happy father's day,

To you!"

Then they ran upstairs to they're room and woke them up. "WAKE UP!x5" they both shouted, jumping up and down on the bed. "Guys, it's not even morning yet." said Bakugou. The twins pulled open the curtains. "Oh, maybe it is." said Deku. "We made you a card and breakfast." said Kazumi. Then they had a group hug.

Best father's day ever!

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