Prolouge- A Ship in the Distance

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    It was a perfect day on the water. Powder blue skies and not a single cloud in sight, the emerald waters of the Caribbean were calm while a steady wind blew southwest. A flock of seagulls fly above the mast of a ship, their calls drowned out by the booming voice of a small female figure leaning over the banister of the ships helm.
   "FULL SAIL AHEAD, LADS!" Your voice booms.
   "AYE AYE, CAPTIAN!" A group below bellows.
   You grin before returning to the wheel, proud of how far you had come. The seafaring life truly ran in your blood. Born on a ship, you learned how to shoot a pistol at the tender age of 5 and wielded your first sword at 7. At 13 you began your solo journey as a marauder, 3 years later you made a name for yourself along the Caribbean islands and their surrounding trading routes for raiding English strongholds and stealing one of their naval Sloots.
   Fast forward 2 years to the present, you watched the main deck bustle with men, releasing the sails and working together in harmony. It wasn't often a woman could make it as a pirate— let alone become captain with her own ship with the best fifty man crew. But you were strong and intelligent, years of dedication and experience brought you to where you were today, and you couldn't be happier.
     Your first mate and long time friend, Amra, jogs up the stairs from the main deck with a half empty bottle of liquor in hand. She flashes her darling smile, her chocolate locks swaying in the wind as she holds the bottle towards you.
    "For you, cap'n," she beams.
    "You're too kind my sweet," you reply, taking the bottle from her hand before downing a mouthful.
    "Soo," She drawls out. "Where we goin' next?"
    You shrug. "Thinkin' about sailing for a few days, head towards Cuba maybe. We're fully stocked, weathers nice, think everyone might enjoy some downtime at sea," you say and take another sip of the bitter liquid before handing it back to Amra.
    She hums in agreement and finishes the rest of her bottle. Life was good, moral was high, and absolutely nothing could bring you or the crew down.
    "CAPTIAN!!" You looked up towards the center mast where a crew mate waved frantically in the crows nest. "A SHIP HAS APPEARED! STARBOARD!"
    You and Amra look to your right and squint. There was indeed a ship creeping up from the horizon. You humed, even with it so far away you could tell it was much larger than your sloot.
    "What's the plan, (y/n)?" Amra asks.
     You look left out towards a cluster of sandbars, a plan brewing. "They're still far out, they may be bigger but our ship is faster and more agile. We can weave through the sandbars and get away if need be."
    You turn your head to see Amras' shocked expression. Turning your gaze you see why, the ship was closer. Much closer than it should have been. You rummage your coat pocket for your spy glass, peering through it with your (e/c) orbs. Through the other side you manage to spot the other ships flag, your breath hitches in your throat.
    It was a tattered black flag, a gold skull sported a green headband with a heart wrapped around the top of its head. You lower your spy glass, skin paling, the realization hits you like a ton of bricks.
    It was the flag of Captain DIO.
    The world's most feared pirate was heading towards you at an alarming rate. Just a few moments ago you could barely make out the ship, but now the looming war galleon was only a 300 yards away. By this time your crew starts to panic, and your heart rate spikes. DIOs ship starts to turn starboard, you knew what was about to ensue.
    "ALL MEN TO THEIR STATIONS! READY THE CANONS!" you yell as you frantically turn the wheel, leading your ship towards the sand bars.
    Everything happened so fast. A barrage of explosions pierced your ears, your shipped jerks as you feel the vibrations of wood being blasted out of your ship. The force of the blasts knock you down onto the floor hard, ears ringing as you watched the center mast of your ship fall onto the deck and down into the ocean, men and splinters of wood flying around you. You hold your head trying to stop the ringing while smoke and the smell of gunpowder fill the rest of your senses.
    You hear the pained and frantic cries of your crew, and notice Amra was no longer next to you. You push yourself off the ground ready to help your mates before you here a deep voice call out to you.
    "My, I did not expect your little dingy to survive such an onslaught from The World," DIOs voice shouts from his ship.
    You growl and turn and look up to see his ship right next to yours along with DIO himself, a frighteningly tall man built like a wall. He was dressed in a gold long coat with green trim. He took off his tricorn hat to reveal is messy blond locks and burning yellow eyes that met your wild (e/c). He flashed you a wicked smile as you slowly reached for the pistol stashed in your waistband.
    "No matter," he purred, "You and your ship will not survive the next."
    Just as you pulled out your gun another blast from The Worlds' canons rip through your ship, large chunks of wreckage fly into you, knocking the wind out of you as you slam into the water.
    From below the surface, you see bright orange flash and the muffled sounds of your ship exploding. The remains of your sloot sink below the surface, surrounding you with fragments of years of hard work and memories.
    Your mind was in a haze, only coming to when you realized you needed to swim up for air. You wince at the pain you felt in your shoulder and side, ignoring them as you navigated through pieces of lumber and tattered sails. You emerged from the water and gasped, clinging on to a piece of shipwreck. You look around dazed and find DIOs ship sailing back into the horizon, and the remains of your ship sinking in pieces and on fire.
    You shout and call out to Amra, to your crew— to the only people you had learned to love and trust, hoping for a response. For hours you called out, only to be met with silence.
    The water was calm, the gentle rocking of the waves lull your sad and exhausted body into a semiconscious state that you struggled to fight. The cries of seagulls flying overhead and the crackling of fire where the last things you hear before your vision fades into black.
A/N: aw ye bois it's pirate time. I will be updating this more often than Green Sea, since I have half the book outlined already. Joot will appear next chapter. I really hope you all will like this story, it's been weeks in the making. Remember to add to your stories, leave a comment or a star if you liked this, it helps a lot! Until next time

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