Ch. 1- Woman Overboard

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    Little reference above is for pirate joot. Art credit goes to silkytea~

How long have you been stranded? You didn't know, nor did you really care. Everything was dark, fading in and out of consciousness your sense of hearing was distorted. The sound of a ship approaching and men calling out echoed in the back of your mind. You felt your body being lifted, like you were floating, then the feeling of hardwood beneath your stomach. Did Davey Jones pick you up? We're you headed for the Locker? You didn't mind the idea.
    The feeling of a cold liquid being splashed on your body brought you to reality, your eyes flung open as you sit up too quick. Gasping in pain you gripped your side, taking a look around you are met with the eyes of several men who now surrounded you.
     "A woman!" One yells.
    "What's she doing out here?!" Another shouts.
     The deck filled with dozens of men now bursts with the sound yells and complaints. You whip your head around and grit your teeth, scooting back towards a wall, eyes darting around the group of scared and angered men.
    "It's bad luck for a woman to be on a ship, throw her back!" One cries. The group yells in agreement.
    Two strong men grab ahold of your arms, and you trash and kick at them wildly. "Let me go!" You shout. You manage to kick one in the shin, he hisses in pain.
    "You're going to regret that missy," He growls. His grip tightens painfully around your arm and you wince, you ready your leg for another harsh kick in hopes it will break his stupid kneecaps.
    "What's going on here?!" A voice above booms.
    The deck goes quiet, and then men drop you. You fall on your butt with a grunt, glaring at them before following everyone's gaze to the helm.
    There stood a man, tall and dressed in a floor length black coat with white accents and gold buttons. Gold pins decorated his sleeve and the leather baldric that was fitted across his muscular body. A black hat hid most of his face, but you could still see his prominent scowl. He looked intimidating, vaguely familiar, and kind of hot.
    "This girl!" The man standing to your left shouts. "She's the one who was overboard capt'n."
    The captain hums. He lifts his head slightly and looks down at you, revealing his captivating aqua eyes. Your own (e/c) eyes widen, you recognize his face, it was plastered on nearly every wanted poster.
Captain Jotaro Kujo. The infamous pirate from the East, feared by many across the seven seas.
You almost wished you died in the wreckage.
Jotaro clicks his tongue, seemingly annoyed by your presence alone.
"...Throw her out."
You open your mouth to interject, but someone else spoke first.
"Now Jotaro! You haven't even talked to her yet. Don't you want to know where she came from or why she's out here?" A man with bright red hair dressed in a yellow shirt and green pants appears from behind Jotaro, along with 3 other men.
"Kakyoin is right," the eldest of the group speaks. "Would be cruel to not at least give her a ride to land."
"Mademoiselle!" The man with strange white hair exclaims and he runs down the stairs, offering his hand. "You're breathtaking, what are you doing out here? You're not injured are you? Tell us what happened."
"I.." overwhelmed with the barrage of questions, you take the Frenchman's hand and he helps you to your feet, still gripping your side.
"You're scaring her. Everyone give her space, go back to your stations," the captain sighs. The crew disperses, murmuring to each other before returning to their normal duties. Jotaro and the rest of the men at the helm walk down the stairs as the man with no eyebrows continues to dawn over you.
"Polnareff that includes you. Go back to the helm, Avdol go with him and make sure he doesn't steer Star into a rock."
The Frenchmen pouts, but follows the man with scars on his face who bows and offers toy a smile before walking back towards the top of the ship, leaving you, the eldest, the man with noodle hair and Jotaro alone. You crane your neck up to meet their gaze, curiosity and uncertainty swimming in your eyes.
"Please don't fret miss, I won't let Jotaro throw you overboard," The man with cherry hair says and offers you a warm smile while Jotaro grunts in annoyance. "I'm Kakyoin, this is Joseph and our captain, Jotaro. What's your name?"
"Captain (y/n)—" you pause. "I was..captain, guess not anymore. Please tell me have you found anyone else?"
"I'm sorry lass, you were the only one," Joseph says with a solemn face. You nod and look down. You didn't want to believe it, but it's true. Guess you were the sole survivor.
"A woman?" Jotaro raises an eyebrow, "As captain?"
"What, don't think I got it in me?" You glare.
"No, I don't."
"You wanna find out for yourself, Captain?"
"Let's not fight just yet!" Kakyoin interjects. "(Y/n), what happened to your ship?"
Sighing, you break eye contact and look at the ground. "I was attacked, happened so fast," your eyes cloud over as you recall the recent events.
"His ship was just on the horizon, and then it was right next to mine— I will never forget those eyes. Next thing I know my ship was blown to bits. Hit my side and shoulder somehow," you hold up your hand that had been cradling your ribs, now smeared with crimson. "It was bizarre, I don't know how else to explain it."
The men listened with interest, especially Jotaro.
"Who attacked you?" He asks.
Joseph stiffens, while Kakyoin and Jotaro exchange glances.
"Thought so," Jotaro looks back at you with stern eyes. "Follow me, we'll get you cleaned up and after that you will answer the rest of my questions."
Jotaro turns and begins walking across the deck, both Joseph and Kakyoin close behind. You audibly swallow and take a deep breath before you follow suit.

A/N— Captain Jotaro, what a kind lad ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ Tysm for reading! Might pump out another chapter by the end of the weekend so definitely add to your stories if you wanna read more! Also please leave a star and a comment, it helps with exposure and in turn helps me a lot! I'll see you all very soon! Until next time,

Sea Star (Jotaro x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon