Ch. 2- Alcohol and Bandages

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Following the men down a flight of stairs near the aft leads you to the second deck, the first thing that greets you is the smell of meat and bread as the stairs open up to a wide, open space littered with tables and chairs that you assumed was the mess hall. Your stomach rumbles, but was disgusted by the murmurs and laughs of various crew members scattered about, enjoying their meals. You continue your trek down a hallway, before the group of three stop at a doorway in front of you. Your muscles cry in protest at your jerking stop, yet you diverted it was better than running into the backs of the men, possibly pissing them off. The Captian exchanges a few words with Kakyoin and Joseph before turning towards you.
"Find me when you're not fucked up," Jotaro mutters, walking back towards the stairway from where you all came.
You huff and turn back towards Joseph, ushering you through the door. You scan the unfamiliar room— two bunk beds sit in the corner near a rounded window, a few charts and a mirror littered the walls. Two heavy wooden desks sit parallel on opposite walls, Kakyoin was rummaging through one of them with what you assumed was a bottle of alcohol tucked under his arm. You figured they'd take you to the infirmary, not their own quarters.
"The infirmary is at full capacity," Joseph said behind you, somehow reading your mind. "Had an accident a few days back- Avdol was teaching the powder boys how to make bombs. Didn't go so well."
You heard Kakyoin snicker over by the desk at the last remark. You quirked an eyebrow at the old man.
"Might tell you some other day, but for now please sit on the bunk, let's get a better look at your wounds, eh?"
Joseph gestures you towards the bed and you obliged, sitting on a soft pile of linen sheets.
From where you sat you you see yourself in the mirror and boy, did you look rough. Through your reflection you could see your hair a disheveled mess. Dirt and gunpowder was smeared across your face, there small cut under your left eye and a bruise peaked from under your high collar, you assumed it stretched across your shoulder and was the source of your shoulder pain. Clothes were tattered, ripped in some places, and still a little wet from your time floating through the currents.
Jotaro was right. You really did look fucked up'.
Kakyoin returns from his corner with the bottle and a medical box in hand. He eyes the side of your shirt stained by dried blood. He looks down, a little nervous before speaking.
"May I..?" Pointing at your blouse.
"Sure," you shrug, amused by his shy nature. You lift your shirt, careful not to expose your chest. Kakyoin crouches and sets down his things before inspecting your injuries with a feather-light touch.
"It's not deep, but I'll disinfect it and patch it up so it won't get infected," he says has he opens up the medical box, pulling out a cloth. Grabbing the bottle next to it he soaks it in alcohol before handing you the bottle. You beam, grabbing it by the handle and start chugging. After today you really needed a drink.
You nearly choke on the burning liquid, hissing in pain once he pressed the soaked cloth onto your wound.
"Sorry.." Kakyoin mumbles.
"It's alright," you insisted, gritting your teeth before taking another swig. Kakyoin pulls more cloth from the box and starts wrapping your wound. You glance over at Joseph, you was leaning against the door frame. You glance between the too, thinking to yourself before speaking again.
"'Might be too forward of me to ask this but, um," you scratch your head, "Earlier, when I mentioned DIO, you all acted as if you knew him. Am I right?"
Kakyoin looks back at Joseph who sighs and crosses his arms. "Yeah. The Josestars has been intertwined with the Bastard for generations." He's been trying to kill me and my Grandson for years."
"Jotaro." Joseph states.
Your mouth forms an 'O' and you nod. Guess you figured out where the Captain got his buff genes from.
"Anyways, we're sorry you had a run in with him. And for your ship and crew.." Joseph trails off, noticing your solemn look at the mention of your fallen friends.
You hum, taking another swig before looking down. "I will never forgive him for that. I'd like to see him again so I can blast his stupid fucking head off.." you mumble, tracing the lid of the bottle with your thumb.
"You will get your vengeance, (Y/n). We can promise you that."
"How? You're all gonna drop me off next time you make port, doubt I can convince Jotaro to let me stay, he obviously hates my guts along with the rest of the crew."
"He's not that bad when you get to know him," Kakyoin chimes in, standing up and closing the medical box and sitting it on the nearby desk. "I'll talk to him about it, Joseph and the rest of us will too. You're intertwined with his mess now as well, if you want a piece of him too it would only make sense for you to join us. Besides, with the bomb incident, we could use an extra hand around here."
Your eyes widen, eyes sparkling at the cherry boys' offer. "You really mean it?"
"Of course," he smiles.
"We'll take our leave for now so you can clean the rest of ya up," Joseph stands up straight and turns toward the door. "Jotaro should be at the wheel or in his cabin. The mess hall should still be open, I'm sure you're hungry so help yourself. See ya later, lass!" He waves off with two fingers before exiting. You nod towards him and wave at Kakyoin who followed behind.
You now sat alone in the cabin, your mind swimming with gratitude for the two men and determination. Now you only hoped they could convince Jotaro to let you stay.
You stand up and admire Kakyoins handiwork, he did a pretty good job securing the bandages. You tuck your shirt into your pants and grabbed the medical box and walk over to the mirror. Using a clean cloth from the box, you wipe your face as best you can, dabbing a bit of alcohol on the cut before chugging the rest of the bottle. Sitting both items on Kakyoins desk, you comb through your (h/c) locks with your fingers, taking a deep breath and exhaling. The smell of fresh bread waifs through your nose, causing your stomach to grumble, reminding you that it was hungry and required substance.
You eye yourself in the mirror one last time. Now semi presentable, you smile at your reflection, before heading out the door. Your mission to rip DIO a new one was underway, but first— bread.

A/N: a little late, sorry about that! Animal crossing came out so I got distracted. I apologize if this chapter was a lil slow, next one will be a lot better, and will have a bit of action! Thank you for reading, please leave a star or comment if you liked, it helps with exposure and in turn helps me a lot! Until next time,

Sea Star (Jotaro x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora