Ch. 3- Bread Rage

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Making your way out of the hallway, you round the corner into the dining area. It wasn't as full as it was before, maybe less than a dozen crew members sat among the tables. You ignored their stares and made a beeline for the cooks window located in the far corner.
Waking up to the counter you lean in and peer back into the kitchen. A few men were cleaning dishes, a few others were running around with ingredients. A man who you presumed was the chef, turns around and meets your gaze.
"Can I have a plate please?" You ask, "I'm famished!"
He stood there a minute,  his eyes flickering between you and something beyond before cracking a crooked smile. "Sure darl'n.."
You beamed as he grabbed a nearby plate of salmon with a fat loaf of sourdough. He sat the plate in front of you, but before you could say thank you he turned, motioning the rest of the cooks through the back hall, disappearing out of site.
"Ok..rude." You murmur, grabbing the loaf and taking a large bite out of it. Turning around to find a seat, you find the rest of the mess hall was empty, except for two large men standing near the stairway. On closer inspection, you realize it's the same two men who tried to throw you overboard. You frown.
"What the fuck do you want?"
"What do you think your doing lass?" The one with a ripped tee and bandana hisses.
"Muchin'," you say causally as you rip out another chunk of bread with your teeth.
"That food is for the crew! Not some stupid bitch who smells like a wet dog!" The other with a purple striped tee yells.
"At least I don't smell like a fat pile of shit. Besides," You wave the bread in front of the two pirates, annoyed. "Joseph said I could have some. Any reason in particular yer here or are ya just trying to cause trouble?"
"Yer the one causing trouble," the bandana pirate growls, stepping forward. "You don't belong here, or on any ship for that matter. You'll curse us all if you don't get out of here."
"Sad to say, I'm probably not going anywhere, and you can't make me."
The bandana pirate grins, both pirates drawing their swords. "Thought ye might that.."
"Unbelievable," You growl and put your bead down, drawing your own sword- a large falchion, with a slight hook. It was nearly as big as you, but was lightweight and very sharp. You gripped the engraved ebony hilt tightly as you pointed the sword between the two, getting in your battle stance.
"I've taken on men bigger than both of you combined, if you don't back down now I will kill you both," your voice lowers an octave in anger.
Both men look at each other and burst in laughter, not taking your warning to heart. That was fine by you, it was always more fun defeating a foe who underestimated your capabilities.
The bandana pirate lunges first, attempting to swing his sword down from above. Quick on your feet you rush forward and duck, jabbing the end of your hilt into the small of his back, causing the man to bark in pain. You meet the striped pirates' sword with your own, blocking his attack before kicking the man where it hurts the most. He stumbles while back cradling his Crown Jewels, dropping his sword.
You spin around you find the bandana pirate swinging for a back right, you counter. Both of you exchange a few swings, the sound of metal clinging and the pirates angry roar resonates throughout the deck.
"Good luck with that!" You yell back, stepping back you swing a hard diagonal upwards, slashing the man from his left thigh and up his shoulder. He hollers in pain, blood trickling from his wound and down onto the planks of wood below.
The sound of footsteps rushing from behind causes you to turn quickly. The striped pirate charges into you, knocking the breath out of you as you both tumble onto the floor, your own sword flying from your hands.
You elbow the man above you across the jaw, turning on your stomach to reach for your sword. You felt his elbow slam down in-between your shoulder blades, causing you to let out a pained yelp. He rolls you back over but not before you land a solid punch on his face, splitting his eyebrow open. You aim for another punch but the striped pirate grabs your fist with one hand and hits you with a brutal uppercut, square in the nose.
Your head snaps back, blood now running freely from both nostrils. You pull your head back and glare at the striped pirate, fury now burning in your (e/c) eyes.
You manage to knee the man in the stomach and land another harsh blow on his now swollen eye, he grunts. Using his forearm he holds you down with all of his weight, you wheeze at the pressure now being distributed on your neck and chest. You spit on his face and land a few rapid jabs on his side. Livid, the man draws a dagger from the back of his belt, before he could plunge it into your head you grab his wrist with both hands, using all the strength you had to keep the blade from going into your brain.
Fuck, you just wanted some bread. Now you're probably gonna lose an eye, or worse. Your grit your teeth, malice coursing through your veins while the pirate grins.
"What the fuck is going on here?" A deep voice nearby yells.
You both freeze, turning your heads towards Jotaro, staring down at the two of you with cold aquamarine eyes.
The striped pirate drops his dagger while the bandana pirate moans in pain somewhere nearby. You take the time to calm your ragged breathing, and thank the gods the terrifying man found you three before you met your demise.
"C-Captn'!" The striped pirate stutters. "It ain't what it looks like, she attacked first—"
"Do you take me for a fool?" Jotaro's words were dark, laced with a venomous threat.
"N-not at all! I-"
"Get off of her." Jotaro growls, his voice sending shivers down your spine. The pirate obeys, standing to his feet with both arms in the air. You sit up, wiping the blood from your nose, while glaring at your assailant.
"Take your pathetic friend and get the fuck out of here, I want you out of my sight," The raven haired Captain hisses, the striped pirate nods before grabbing his injured friend. You watch him hike the bandana pirates' arm around his shoulder, dragging the still moaning man out of the mess hall and down a flight of stairs leading to the deck below.
You groan, standing up while dusting yourself off. You grab your sword and put it back in its sheath, turning back around you find Jotaro standing right in front of you, his electric gaze still held an intense amount of annoyance and anger.
"Are you trying to get yourself killed, woman?"
"I had it covered," you crossed your arms. "Don't know how bad the other ones gash is, so sorry in advance if he bleeds out and dies. Kind of deserved it though," you mutter the last bit under your breath.
Jotaro raises and eyebrow but his stoic face remains the same. His eyes leaves yours to follow the trail of blood left from your attacker before falling back down onto your figure. He wouldn't admit it, but he was a little impressed you took on two men double your size.
    Jotaro pulls down his hat, muttering something in his native language you couldn't understand. "..We have shit to discuss. Follow me."
    With that he turned on his heal, you followed the raven haired man back up the stairs and onto the main deck.
A/N: felt kinda bad for putting out the last chapter a few days late, so I gift you TWO CHAPTERS in one night OwO. Reader is a fucking badass. Reader is also short. Like 5'1" short. Toiny. Makes this and future chapters humorous, pls dont have me for having a set height.
Anyways thanks for reading! Remember to leave a star and a comment if you enjoyed! Until next time,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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