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In that bag was something I never expected to see...

I pulled out Lilith's birth control packet from the bag. Only a few days were missing but the rest were still in there. She stopped taking them since the beginning of last month.

I held it in my hands and when I heard the door open and close as Lilith got in, I had the instinct to hide what I found. But that's not me anymore.

"Lilith what the fuck." She looked over to me and her eyes went wide.

She didn't say anything but tried to grab the packet out of my hands. We struggled over it for a little bit but I eventually grabbed her by the throat forcing her to look at me.

"Explain this to me. Now."

I saw her eyes starting to water but she just slapped my arm away.

"Don't put your fucking hands on me. Who the fuck do you think you are." Lilith spat.

"I'm the man who left his life behind for you that's who the fuck I am!" I screamed with all the anger I'd been holding back since I laid eyes on that fucking birth control packet.

She shrank away from me from the volume of my voice. That made me feel like shit immediately.

"Lilith. Are you...?"

She squeezed her eyes shut so that no tears would escape but they were flowing.

"I'm...I'm fucking sorry. Okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. And it's not my fault, I did everything right. You're not making this fucking easy Jasper."

She got out the car and started to storm away but realistically where was she going to go?

I got out and ran after her. I grabbed her by the arm and turned her towards me.

"Why Lilith why did you hide it from me?" I asked her with tears threatening me. I just let them fall because I can't keep my pain in forever.

"Because I'm fucking scared, Jasper! Because...I'm fucking scared. I knew that if I told you, you'd leave. It's one problem after the other with me isn't it? You leave your life for me because I'm such a fuck up that I can't even get out of high school. Then I get fucking pregnant. Jasper...I just. I can't fucking do this anymore. Living even another second of this fucked up life sounds like agony."

Her face all red and her lips turned into a frown. Similar to what a baby would do when sad. She was crying her most honest cry and it hurt to know living was a task for her.

I'm trying so hard to make life easier for her.

I grab her arm and pull her into me.

"Baby. It's gonna be okay. I'm here and I'm never leaving you. It's gonna be okay." I hold her tighter than I ever have.

I push her face away from my chest so I can look at her. I wipe her tears away. "You have to believe that I'm not going to leave you baby. You have to believe it by now. When these things happen we have to deal with it together." Tears continued to stream and we both cried in each other's arms. She nodded her head as she looked at me.

I ran my fingers through her hair as we held each other together.

I kissed her forehead and then brought her back to the car.

Connecticut seemed years away by now.

It was hard to get her back in the car after what just happened but when I did we immediately got back on the road.

    "How long have you known?" I asked her.

    "Since last month. I wasn't too sure and I didn't want to risk a pregnancy test. But I'm sure now."

    "So I guess we have to make a decision..." I say flatly.

    "Ugh, God." Lilith covered her face and ran her fingers through her hair.

    After some hours of talking and crying, sometimes laughing, Lilith decided.

    "Jas..I think you know what I'm thinking" Lilith said.

     "Yeah, I think I do."

     "Say it on three?"





Okay so here is where you all can vote on what you think should happen next. Keep in mind that the decision will change the entire path of the story.

They can:

Terminate the pregnancy


Continue the pregnancy resulting in becoming teen parents

It's all up to you now. If you guys don't vote I'm not sure if I will continue the story because no one cares 😢 LOL

Laters baby 💋

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