Tree Hunting part 1

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Tobias's pov

After walking with a whiny Tris on my shoulder, I am finally glad I wore my sunglasses.

The girls that past us had a green-eyed look on their faces.  Oh ya, did I mention about the creeps who were ogling over Tris's ass?

Well idiots, that ass belongs to my girl. Therefore, mine.

Some of the older Dauntless gave a look of adoration.  Some looked at us weirdly. Some even chuckled.  Why? Because of Tris's adorable whinings.

"Help, my boyfriend won't let me down!!!"

"Help, Four, put me down Four!!!!"

"Help!!! He is kidnapping me..."

"Help!!! I'm with a psycho with Four fears!!!" Okay, I was kinda offended by that.


"Did you just spanked my ass, again?!"

I don't reply, just continue to whistle.

Tris continues to squirm around, obviously feeling some idiots staring her petite, cute bumm.

"You know, TrissyPoo, (cue Tris smacking my back), I should have brought my leather jacket?"

"Huh, why?"

"It's kinda annoying to look at those creeps staring at your admirable ass.."

" Says the one who is flaunting my tushy. This proves that you should put me down now!"

I don't reply, just whistle.

-pagebreak -

When we reach the 'Holidays Our Season' store, I put Tris down.

"Ah, my arms hurt from  being hung upside down.  I am sure your shoulder is throbbing by now." She declares.

"You do know I can carry 5 potato sacks full on each of my shoulders, right?" I said, raising my eyebrows.

"So?" She has her cute puzzled face on.

"Not to offend you, but you weigh lighter than two potato sacks. So you're not a challenge. " I smirk.

She crosses her arms as she blushes.  So cute!!!

"Shut up Four..."

"Awww, TrissyPoo is mad!!!" I coo.

Cue the playful smacks of 'doom'

"Welcome to Holidays Our Season! How may I help you?" Hmm, the girl cashier ain't fawning over me, but Tris.

"We need to look for a Christmas tree!!!! A big one!!!! A huge one... wait, how does a Christmas tree look like. Sorry, I'm from Abnegation. We had never celebrated anything humongous before.." Tris gushes, then blushes.

"It's okay cutie. Come, let me show you..." The cashier says seductively.

Tris starts to skip ahead of us while I look at the cashier with an open jaw.

"What, I'm a lesbian.. and I am proud of it! Sue me! If you ditch her, I'm gonna pursue her..."

Am I jealous of a girl now?!

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