The Hunger Games pt 2(feat. Dauntless Cake)

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Tobias's pov.




Why did I accept this stupid challenge??


"Four, Will, Uriah and Zeke! I need all of you here. Now!" Oh no, Tris is super mad.

I run like there's no tomorrow.


When I arrive, I noticed a table full of Dauntless cakes. Yummm...

Uriah and Zeke are also gawking at the table.

Grrr, back off.. that's mine!!!

Then Tris, Marlene and Shauna comes towards us. Oh wait, they're standing in front of the table.

Oh, I can see it now. Tris in lingerie with her hot bod, sitting on a chair, in front of that table.

"... ..."

I can see that dream coming now.


Oh... so so gooood...

Suddenly I feel a sharp sting on my right cheek.

I  look to my left and see Tris holding her left hand up and in a laughing fit. Huh?

"Did my dear fiancee just slapped me?" I mock hurt.

She giggles. " Duh, I don't know what were you dreaming about, but the drool on your face should fill up the Nile River!" With that, everyone starts to laugh and I feel my face heat up.

"Omg!!! Did the shy Abnegation-originated Beatrice Prior made the Dauntless prodigy Four Eaton blush?!" Christina shrieks.

"Oh . My . Gosh!!!  I'm Wonder woman!!!" Tris squeals.

I walk over to her and whisper seductively.

"Welll Beatrice, I, Tobias Eaton, was daydreaming about seeing my beautiful petite soon-to-be wife in some badass lingerie posing in front of that table. Sexy...." I drag the word seductively.  Cue Tris blushing.

"Omg! !! Did the used to be lonely Four Eaton made the Dauntless prodigy Six Prior blush?!" Zeke squeals, imitating Christina.

"Oh. My.  Gosh!!!! I'm Superman!!!" I'm imitating Tris now.

"Oh,  shut up..." Tris mumbles.  So cute.

"Anywho, the reason I called you here is to challenge all of you in the Hunger Games. The winning couple will get this whole stack of Dauntless cake." Lynn announces.

What?! Uriah,Zeke and I are practically drooling.

"The couples are MaRiah,WillStina, Ten and SheKe.." Lynn chuckles.

"Who that? Who that? Do we challenge, challenge??" Uriah sings, imitating Iggy Azalea's Fancy.

" Yeah, who are the extra idiots that we are challenging? Aren't the eight of us enough?" Zeke says. Cue face palm.

"Oh. My. Word!!! You stupid soon to be brother in law of mine!!! Don't you know ship names? Like Four plus Six is Ten, Marlene and Uri are Mariah, Will and Christina are WillStina and you plus my sister are SheKe... I swear!" Lynn grumbles.

"Oh...ohhh!!! I get it!" Zeke enthusiastically says.

"Took you long enough..." Will mumbles.

"Let's do this, pansycakes!!!" Tris and I shriek.

"Hey, you stole my line!!!" Uriah grunts.

end of  flashback

The only contestants left are Mariah and us.

SheKe lost in the Q&A round. When Zeke got Shauna's favorite store wrongly.

WillStina lost in the  'Baby be mine's round. The girls were asked to drink a sip of Amity peace serum while the guys were challenged to get the girls to be serious by saying 'Baby be mine' and some other stuff. Christina was giggling  like a madman, saying things like "Will, you did sooo much better in bed..." and stuff. Cue Tris  blushing.

MaRiah is just so hard to beat. That is until...

Tris is now on my shoulders trying to pull Marlene's headband off. The guys are suppose to make sure that the girls are successful and we will try to push the other man down in the pool.

Tris dodges Marlene's left arm,  squirms around and...


Yes!!!!  We won!!!

"The  winning  couple..  FourTris, aka Ten!!! " Lynn shouts.  The others are cheering on.

"Hmm, your dream might come true later on, Toby.... " Tris whispers seductively.

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