The Hunger Games (With Dauntless Cake ;D ) pt 1

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Tris Pov...

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are.."

"No I'm not. .."

"Uh. .. yea ya are..."


"Yes.. "

"No .."





"Hah!!! You admitted it!!!! Ha ha ha!!!" I said, then both of us burst out in a laughing fit.

"OMG!!!! What's going on?!" Christina bursts through the door.

"Owh man! Dang... Here you go Tris." Tobias hands me a 10 dollar bill.

"Yes!!!" I pump my fist and start headbanging.

Then I run to Christina and gave her a tight squeeze.

"What's going on now??" Will comes behind Christina, hmmm.. he must've got out of bed after the ruckus Tobias and I made.

"I don't know, Willy Bear. .. Yesterday they were officially engaged, today this happens.  I hope that they don't filane an early divorce. And what's with the 10 bucks and the hug??" Christina asks.

"Oh, before we debated, we made a bet to see if you will rush here after the debate... Also, I was telling Four here that he looks cute in a picture of him eating Dauntless cake using a candy cane..." Tobias cuts in.

"Am not."

"Are too." I counter.

"R2, hmmm, reminds me of Star Wars." He chuckles.

"What picture? Show me show me  show me!!!!" Christina practically rolls me over.

I took out my phone and show her the picture.

"Awww, so adorable. .. well, since you can only see his eyes as the focus point..." Christina coos.

"Wow, that bad, huh Four?" Will pats him on the back.

"Hey, I was like that after not eating Dauntless cake for 4 hours!!!! 4!!! Hours!!!" Tobias defends himself.

"Seriously though, how do you not get

fat aftet eating that almost every 30 minutes??" I ask.

"EVERY 30 minutes??" Will asks.

"Uh, don't get me started on his midnight delicacies..." I then walk to the refrigerator and opened it.

"Wow!" Will and Chris say, their jaw almost hitting the floor.

"I know right..." I mumble.

"So you want your fiance  to get fat??" Tobias asks me.

"I don't mind rolling you down the stairs. .." I said, twirling my hair.

"I'm offended. .." Tobias pouts.

Christina later comes and whispers, "Hey Tris, why don't we have a competition. .. you know, hide Four's, Uriah's and Zeke's cake... I'm sure Shauna will help. The winner of the competition gets ALL the cake."

With that, I shout, "LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN!!!"

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