Random Stuff? Jay x Hosuh

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I know y'all like: normal ships again, yay

But this is going to be a little different*EVIL LAUGHTHER* I don't know how though so...

~NoOne's POV~

Hosuh wakes up and tries to get ready as fast as he could, he was super excited with his date with Jay. Hosuh ran to the kitchen, made, and ate breakfast very quickly. Hosuh got into his car and rode to where they were going to meet, at the amusement park. Hosuh was very excited because it was his first time going with one other person. Hosuh arrived a couple minutes later and sees Jay at the entrance waiting for him. Hosuh gets out of his car and goes towards Jay smiling while greeting him. Jay was blushing softly while Hosuh was smiling like it was his first time(Technanilly was though) going to the amusement park. Jay chuckles at Hosuh rambling about how Stephen and Daniel not doing anything around the house. They go into the amusement park and they head into on of the calm rides. Then they go to more intense rides. Hosuh gets motion sickness and almost throws up. Jay said," Are you okay Hosuh? Even though it was just a calm ride. Don't you wanna go home?" Hosuh shook his head and said," Nah Jay, I'm fine as long as your aro-" Hosuh throws up in a trash can near them. Jay said," Hosuh, I think I now know why you don't go on rides anymore. Butt, we should get you home." Hosuh said," I at least want to ride one ride with you, before we go." Jay looks in confusion and gets dragged by Hosuh. Jay notices that they are heading towards the Ferris Wheel. Jay blushes. Hosuh drags Jay to the line and said, " Well, I guess we gotta wait a While, I hope it's worth it though. Right Jay?" Jay smiles and just nods. A couple minutes pass and it was finally their turn to ride the Ferris Wheel. They get on and the workers close the door. Jay said," Wow, this is so cool, I've actually never been in a Ferris Wheel before." Hosuh smiled and said," Me neither, espcicially just us two." Jay blushes and asked," Hey Hosuh?" Hosuh looked over at Jay," Yeah Jay, you need something?" Jay hesitated but blurted out," I like you." Hosuh didn't think much of it and said very calmly," I like you too." Jay looks down at Hosuh and said," That's not the 'like' I meant, I mean... I love you Hosuh." Hosuh's cheeks were super bright red. Hosuh said," Well, I love you too Jay. I've actually loved you since I got to know you better." Jay smiles and leans in on Hosuh. Hosuh blushes and asked," Um, what are you doing?" Jay said," I was gonna ask if you wanted to be my boyfriend." Hosuh blushes and kiss him passionately. Jay inserts his tongue into Hosuh's mouth. Hosuh does the same. When they got released a string of saliva connected them. Jay said smiling softly," I'll take that as a yes." Hosuh smiled and said," Will you marry me Jay?"


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