66. Jealousy?

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Hero's Pov

I really missed LA's weather and I'm really freaking in love with Katherine and Jo's house.
I'm in the backyard laid on the poolside trying to get some tan.
I have to be honest, I miss London already just because I miss Diesel, my fam and my boys but I'm so excited to spend the Christmas with with Josephine. This will be my first Christmas with a person that isn't my mom.
I will never immaginate that the thing between me and Jo goes this far, damn, I'm so happy and  physically and mentally healthy right now.

I look at the clock and Jo will be at home in like an hour so I go to make some dinner.
I put some music because I feel pretty lonely.
After few minutes I hear a sound.
It's the door opening.
«Hello!» Jo says entering in the kitchen.
Damn she's so stunning .
«Hello baby.» I say walking to her and then grab her face and kiss her slowly.

Kissing her it's like a relief She spend all the day out and my lips missed her.

I mumble so pleased from her lips on mine and she smiles still glued to me.
«Oh Gosh, what is this smell?» I hear Isabelle asks but when she see us she stops.
«Oh shit sorry.» she says blushing .
I try to not roll my eyes in front of her and then stop kiss Josephine.
«Don't worry.» Josephine says hugging her.
«Dinner will be ready in ten minutes.» I say smiling to Isabelle.
So she says an "okay" and then she goes to lay on the sofa while Jo hugs me from my back and starts to caress my abs whit her finger tips.
I can smell her perfume and I finally feel complete. When my body is next to hers I feel incredibly sense of well-being that makes me want to moan.
«Do you know that Anna adopted a dog?» I asks and I feel her nodding still laying her had on my back.
«She sent you the picture? He is huge, Asher will be so beyond excited.» she says while I feel her arms around my waist.
«I been at her house, and yeah he's so excited.» I say.
«What you been at Anna's house?» she asks.
«Yeah, because Shane is not in town anymore so..» I explain.

I hear door opens and after Katherine walks into the kitchen with an other girl.
«Hi guys! This is Madison. Can she stay over tonight?» she asks looking at us both.
Why she's looking at me?
«Of course!» Josephine says without thinking about it any longer.
«But where she's going to sleep?» Jo asks.
So I feel that I have to be an gentleman.
«I'll sleep on the couch.» I say so Madison can sleep with Kath and Bells with Jo.
«What? Are you sure about that?» Katherine asks and I nod to her.
So she hugs me thanking me about the sweet gesture and her friend mumble a "thank you".
«Okay we're in my room if you need anything.» Katherine says kissing her sister's forehead and then take her best friend's hand and run upstairs.
«Are you sure about giving Bells your bed spot?» Jo asks so fascinated from my gesture.
«Yes, stop asking.» I say grabbing his cheeks and then squeeze them making her look like a fish.

«What is that box?» I ask looking at the rectangular box on the floor of the living room.
I look at her and she's looking at me happy like a kid in a candy shop.
«You bought the Christmas tree?!» I ask her upset.
«Yes I think you're gonna love it.» she says still smiling at me.

I can't believe that's she really bought it.

«You said that we-» I try to say but she cover my mouth with her left hand.
«I know, know.» she says and then she places her arms around my neck.

I'll sound like a kid but: she promised me!

I grab her her wrists and i pull them down.
She's looking at me so confused.
«Why are you acting so weird lately?» she asks and the I look at her so surprised.

Now I am the guy that acts weird while she is practically spending no time with me.

«I'm not.» I say so coldly.
«Okay, if you're not, tell me what's going on. Clearly there is something wrong here.» she says little bit angry placing her hands on her hips.

I really cant't believe that she didn't even noticed how lonely I'm feeling in these last days.

«Do you wanna really want to know-» I try to ask her but she interrupts me stepping forward and the ned say an angry "yes".
I grab my too grown hair with my bouth hands so frustrated.
I have to pay attention to not hurt her.
«"It's going on" that I want my girlfriend back. I say placing my hand to the counter and leaning my back on it.
I look into her eyes, they go wide and her her lips open.
«What do you mean I want my girlfriend back? I'm here.» she says obvious.
«You are here but you aren't cloeser to me.» I say trying to explain to her.
Her eyes are looking at our bodies.
«What are you saying?» she ask a little bit hurt.
I get more closer to her and take her hands.
«I'm just saying that from when we are here in L.A, you didn't spent time with me, all you did is hang out with Isabelle.» I say look to our hands.
«Wait. Are you jealous of Bells?» she asks confused.
«What? No! I'm just saying that you hanging with her all the time and I get it because she's going through so much right now but you also both the christmas tree with her. Thing that you promised that we will get together.» I say.

«Uh, I'm sorry if I offended you!» she says little bit rudely taking off her hands from mine .
«Jo, I'm just trying to make you understand that I'm feeling pretty lonely here without my boys or my fam. I have only you here.» I say to her.
«Hero, if you want to celebrate Christmas with your family feel free to do it. »she says an then I really get frustreted.
«Fuck, Jo. Why you can't get the point that I want a little bit more attention from you and spend more time with my girlfriend? I ask her.
I see no compression on her face so I turn around and then I leave the kitchen.

« What's happening?» Isabelle asks finding me getting out from the kitchen.
I say a quick «Nothing.» walking directly to the bathroom.
I open the water and I let the warm water make calm down my nerves.
I can't believe that she didn't got the point.
It's not that I don't want to spend the Christmas with her, it's not jealousy... and its not the freaking Christmas tree.

Josephine's Pov

I stay still where I am while the only thing I can hear is the sound of his steps getting far and far. The cooking pan is whistling on the cooker so I run to turn the fire lower.

His words. He really feeling that lonely?

His right, we didn't spent time together from when we are here.

But he had to make me notice this before he got to this point.

«What happened?» Bells asks me.
«I will tell you later. Can you check on this?» I ask her pointing the pan on the cooker.
«Of corse!» she says looking at me a bit confused.

I run up stairs.

«Hero?» I ask entering in our room but he is not there and then I hear the sound of the shower. So I decide to let him have a time for him.

I go down stairs and I find Katherine with her friend already eating with Isabelle.
I sit with them and I start to eat what Hero prepared and it's actually so good.
I love that his cooking skills are better then mine.
Actually is so peaceful look at him cooking. He looks like in a his own world full of his thoughts.

«Are you good?» Isabelle checks on me and then I nod to her.

After 20 minutes I see him finally get into the kitchen wearing only grey shorts.
His hair are still wet.
He don't stop walking and he pass the kitchen, don't looking at us at all taking his eyes glued on his phone screen.
So I stand up from the chair and I run to see where he is going.

«You don't want to have dinner?» I ask him while he is opening the sliding door.
«I'm not hungry.» he says walking outside  to the backyard.
«Okay, I'll leave something if casually you'll get hungry later.» I say but he is already too far to hear me.

N/A: "Hello! Anyone's here?! Anyone?"
Y'all know what I'm talking about.
First of all happy After anniversary fam!
That night I been up till 2 AM to see all the contents lol.
Second thing: WE ARE AT 120K OF READINGS! This is mind blowing to me. Thank you guys I love y'all so much!
How is your quarantine is doing? Tell me some stuff you're doing in these days!
If you have some books or films to suggest, pls do it!
Guys let's talk sometimes! I have so much time and I wold love to talk to you guys!
My Instagram is: @vale.nissi
Also follow me on Twitter! @LivinInHardinIG
Let's talk!❤️
Hear you soon guys!
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Love you!

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