16. Together With Me

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Aria's POV

It has been around 2 days since me and Ryan made up. We've been spending a lot of time together but, the week that Ryan was staying to decide if he wanted to live with me was coming to an end. Specifically there was one day left. I think over the things that have been happening over the course of the last few days as I laid next to him, gently rubbing his head as he slept.

His nose started to scrunch up a little bit as he stirred. "Mommy.." he mumbled as he pushed his face against my chest. 

"I'm right here baby." I whispered as I lean down and kissed his forehead. He started to smile as he slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me. The way he looked at me was just so innocent and pure. I loved everything about it.

"I gotta go potty." He mumbled. I almost let out a little laugh as I nodded my head. 

"Then go." I say as I gently pulled him to sit up. 

Due to him being drowsy, he clumsily got to his feet and waddled to the bathroom. I smile to myself as I lay on my back, rubbing a hand over my face. I could really get used to things like this. After a little bit more daydreaming, I got to my feet and went over to the bathroom door. I gently knocked, getting a little "huh?" in response.

"I'm gonna cook breakfast. You alright in there?" I ask. 

"Mhm." was the only answer that I got. 

"I'm in the kitchen if you need anything." I call back before walking into the kitchen. I looked around in the cabinets before face palming. We didn't have anything to make for breakfast. All because I was talking to Lesley instead of shopping with Ryan. 

I didn't want to make the same mistake twice. I didn't know how frequently Lesley went to the store so I decided against going there again.

Instead, I got my phone out and ordered from McDonald's breakfast menu and set for it to be delivered. Better safe than sorry.

When Ryan finally came into the kitchen, he had bed hair and he could hardly open his eyes. I smile as I looked at him. "Well hello to you sleepy head. How did you sleep?" 

He didn't respond. He just walked over to me until he could bury his face in my neck. I chuckled a little bit as I put my arms around him. "I slept next to mommy." he finally said. A bit quietly but I could still manage to hear him. "So I slept good." 

I smile as I pressed a soft kiss to his temple. "I'm glad to hear that."

He smiled as he rubbed his eyes a little bit. "What are we having for breakfast?" 

"Well I ordered a little treat from McDonald's for our breakfast. I'm a bit too tired to go to the store today- at least right now." I said as I smiled at him. He smiled a bit as he nodded. 

"Hey mommy?" he said softly as I hummed in response. "I want to stay here and be your little permanently." 

Wasn't expecting that right now.


Kinda abrupt ending to this chapter but I started writing this chapter like 2 months ago and completely forgot how I wanted to finish this specific one. So to avoid not finishing the chapter or restarting it as a whole, I decided to just kinda wrap it up.

SO there will be a part two. Not exactly sure when that'll be up. Guess I kinda jinxed myself with the post I put on my conversation board because everything has gone downhill. Boy issues are back as well as my deteriorating mental health.

Anyways, you didn't come here to here me feel sorry for myself so lets get the the question.

The question of this chapter is: What motivates you?

Honestly, my family. They keep me here. They keep me alive. Yes we have our arguments and get mad at each other a lot but at the end of the day, they have my back. They won't leave me no matter what and I strive to be the daughter, sister, niece, cousin, aunt, and whatever else they deserve. 

Sorry this little end card sorta took a sad turn but that's life for ya.

Stay safe loves. See you in the next chapter.


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