Chapter Three

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When we heard about Hina running off, I knew Sin would go and save him. At first, he wanted me to stay back with Pipirika but I refused, saying that I wanted to help Hina and Sin. I put the bow I made on my back and got all the arrows when we got to the dungeon, we heard what sounded like a battle and Sin rushed off with me trailing behind.

"Bararaq Sieqa" Sin said as he raised his sword, lighting going everywhere. I saw the boy from last night and two other men, who I think are also assassins, back away from a lightning strike.

"That was a close one Hina" Sin says as he walks down to where everyone is. Hina goes to ask why we are here but Sin interrupted to congratulate him on making it this far.

"Sin, don't congratulate him. Hina, what you did is reckless, Pipirika is so worried right now!" I tell Hina, thinking about how sad Pipirika was when we left. A man I remember seeing once before starts talking to Sin. I have a feeling that there's going to be a fight, so I took the bow off my back just in case. My feeling was right as the white-haired boy jumped up yelling at Sin. Hina runs off to fight with the other assassins and Sin takes a step to stop him, but he is stopped by some rope tied around him. I also almost get tangled up, but I can doge and run a little bit away. I look over at Hina and see him on the ground, I grab my bow and quickly shoot an arrow at the assassin that was going to attack him. It just misses his face, not that I was trying to hit him, but it's enough to make him jump back, giving Hina some time to get up. I hear a bang sound and see Sin in pain, I get my bow ready as I see the kid coming to attack. As I lift my bow, something hits me in the back of the head and I fall to my knees. Looking behind me, I see the green-haired man, he is staring at the back of my neck. Before I can think any more, a big hand grabs me off the ground and pulls me into the water. I see ice coming towards us, but thanks to Hina's swimming, we make it out alive.

{Time Skip!}

"Yo Drakon! We finally made it!" Sin yells as we enter the room. I look up at the djinn, I've never seen anything like it, it's also so cuter than I thought it would be. The djinn tells us that we all have a chance of becoming King and one by one everyone in the room decides they want in. the djinn lays his eyes on me and leans in closer.

"What about you, young one? Do you not want the djinn power?" he asks me. I can feel the others looking at me.

"N-No, I don't need it. I'm just here to help Sin and Hina, b-but thank you anyway!" I reply.

"Is everyone from Dartshira a coward or just you?" the one Sin called Drakon asked as he glanced at me. I freeze for a sec, he must have realized when he saw my neck, everyone from Dartshira is given A tattoo when they are young. I got mine when I was two, it means positivity and beauty, my grandfather chose it in hopes that it will help me. I didn't think anyone would recognize it.

"Now now, the girl already said she is out, so there is no reason to fight her," the djinn says before picking me up and moving me to a ledge away from everyone else.

"You stay here out of the way, now gaze upon your final opponent," the djinn said as he squeezed his hand and liquid fell to the floor. The liquid turned into a three-eyed, purple cat.

"He is so cute," I say to myself.

"Why thank you, now whoever catches him first, passes the test and wins the prize" Valefor explains and shocks all the men. He continues to explain that if no one catches him in time we all will be trapped here forever. The child assassin goes to catch the cat with his blades, but it jumps away.

"W-wait you're not gonna kill it, are you?" I say to him. He gives me an annoyed look.

"This is a battle for the power of the djinn! Do you think I care about the life of a cat?!" he yells at me. I stay silent as I watch them all chase after the cat, knowing that time is running out.

The djinn starts to speak to me as he watches them.

"Why do you hope for all of them to be safe? You don't know most of them and two have already attacked you" he asks me as he watches Sin make a plan to get them out.

"I guess I just don't like seeing people get hurt and as for the attacks... they weren't that bad, I've had worse," I tell him. Only then does he look at me, but it is only for a second. I turn my focus to Sin and notice he is on the ledge across from me. The purple cat jumps in the air and Sin catches it. He lands next to me and the others get angry. Sin puts the cat down and it walks over to me. Pet it while Sin makes his big speech, he's already told me his plan.

"Hey, you're not yanking our chains about joining you, right?" one of them asked. I feel Sin lift me and jump off the ledge.

"Of course I'm not, I want all of you standing right by my side," Sin tells them as he puts me down.

"Hahahaha, why not, I'd be happy to join you on your mission," said the boy assassin, but when he went to shake Sin's hand he cut it with his blade. The assassin asks him if he thought that he would join him and Sin just tells him he will. There is a moment of silence before the boy and the other two assassins start choking on magical looking liquid.

1059 words! Please comment and enjoy!

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