Chapter Six

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"Alright, let's start unpacking shall we?" Hinahoho said as he stretched his arms above his head.

"Are you Mister Hinahoho?" a man with black hair and a spear asked. He told us that he was Sin's errand boy. Hinhohotells us to go ahead and that he and Rurumu would take care of unloading. When Rurumu goes to take Kikiriku he cries a little and clings to Jafar's head.

"It's okay, I'll keep an eye on him for now," Jafar tells them. I quickly turn around and start heading back on the ship.

"(Y/N)! Where are you going?" Jafar yells.

"Grabbing my bag! We're gonna need it if you're taking care of Kikiriku! I'll be fast!" I shout back. Jafar and I babysit a lot for Rurumu and we found out babies are REALLY clumsy, and so, I started carrying a few things around just in case. Mainly bandages for small cuts and scrapes but there is a little bit of medicine and other things. I found my bag, I had left it next to my bow. I grab my bag and start to turn away, I don't need my bow, nothing will happen. I stop, I can't be sure nothing will happen, go back and grab my bow and go grab it, just in case. I run back with my bag and jump in the carriage with the others.

"See, didn't take long, did I Freckles" I tease Jafar who is across from me. I hear Vittel try to hold back a chuckle at the nickname, everyone knows Jafar despises it.

"How many times must I tell you? Don't call me that!" he glares at me but I just giggle in response. We make it to what I think is a colosseum, and follow the errand boy inside. We see Sin standing on a stage, in the middle of a huge crowd!

"Is that Sinbad? We sure missed a lot while we were gone" Jafar says to himself. I look at him but notice Kikiriku isn't where he was. I turn around and catch a glimpse of blue running off. Without a second thought, I chase after him.

"I told Jafar not to let you out of his sight and what does he do? Rurumu is gonna kill us!" I say as I follow the sounds of Kikirikus laughter. I turn a corner and see blue hair run into a large cage.

No one's P.O.V:

Not long after (Y/N) ran after Kikiriku Jafar noticed their absence. He ran down the long corridors, to find the two.

"If she was going to take him somewhere, she should have told me first! She's just as reckless as Sin," Jafar complains to himself. He hears Kikirikus giggle and sighs in relief, but when he gets closer he is shocked at the sight. In a large cage, a huge ape-like monster had Kikiriku in his grasp and the baby laughed, not knowing how much danger he was in. Jafar let out a loud scream that got the monster's attention. Jafar stares at the monster, but it turns its attention to something else inside its cage. The monster lifts it's fist and slams it down on the ground next to it and Jafar sees (Y/N) jump out of the way. He rushes in and uses his rope darts to swing around the monster as (Y/N) tries to shoot the monster's arm to get him to drop Kikiriku. The monster swings his arm around and hits Jafar, (Y/N) shoots it in the back of its head to get its attention. It tries to hit her but she dodges its attacks long enough for Jafar to get behind it.

"Sham Lash-style assassination! Kuni Attack!" yelled as he ran up to the beast. He jumped up and threw his rope darts, aiming for its heart but instead, it caught Jafar and slammed him into the ground. The monster goes for the killing blow but (Y/N) jumps in between the two and shoots the monster in its left eye. It rears back in pain with a hand over its eye. As soon as its eye sets back on the girl, she takes off running away from her friend in hopes to help him. The swings its fist at (Y/N) and she just has enough time to jump back but she lands on the beast hand. The giant monkey lifts it hand up with the girl on and brings its hand near its mouth, but (Y/N) jumps off. Before she can hit the ground the monster hits her into the wall with great force.

A sicking crack sound echoed through the room, whether it was the wall or (Y/N)'s skull Jafar didn't know, but he could tell the girl was blacking out. He stood up and got his Kuni ready despite the pain he felt. He wrapped the gigantic ape in red string, making it drop Kikiriku. Jafar catches him and lightning strikes the monster. Jafar collapses and he blacks out as well.

"Hey, are you okay Jafar?" Sin asked with concern in his voice. Jafar opened his eyes for only a second before he shot up from the floor, hissing in pain.

"Sin, where's Kikiriku!? Where's (Y/N)!? She hit her head, she might-"

"They're both fine. Vittel and Mahad are watching Kikiriku and Hinahoho just took (Y/N) to Rurumu, where I should be taking you right now" Sin reassured him. Jafar told him about the lightning and his rope darts before they got to the hotel where Rurumu and (Y/N) were. Sin opened the door and Jafar was hit with a smaller body, but before he could respond the body had moved back to revel (Y/N).

"Jafar, are you okay!? It looked like you got hurt really bad! I'm sorry I couldn't help you more!" the (H/C) haired girl cried. Jafar smiled a little as he looked at her.

"I'm fine, it wasn't as bad as it looked," he told her. 'She doesn't even realize she saved me. She looks okay, that's good, it was just a bump to the head ' he thought to himself, noticing the bandage around her head.

"Come on, Rurumu will come back in a sec to talk to you but for now, I'm going to help you with your injuries," she told him, not giving him room to argue.

"How long do you think it will take them?" Hinahoho asked Sin who was now standing next to him.

"At least a few years before one of them realize" Sin replied watching (Y/N) move Jafar into another room.

1080 words! I'm sorry I know this chapter isn't that good but the next one will be better! Also, if you guys had any requests or ideas just tell me in the comment and I'll do special chapters for you guys! Anyway, enjoy the story:)

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