"You looked like you needed saving"

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A lovely blonde entered the cafe, the bell ringing as the door swung open. Her ponytail gently placed on her head, bounced as she walked in.

She walked up to the counter and asked for a vanilla milkshake and one of Pops famous world class burgers. He smiled sweetly and gestured towards the bar in front.

She sat down, holding her head in her hands.

After a while, she took out a book and started reading, her eyes were glued to the page she was on and had no idea that the boy from the wrong side of the tracks had his eye on her, admiring her beauty.

Pop came out of the kitchen, serving Betty her ordered food, "Enjoy!", he smiled and walked back inside.

She put the book down on the counter and started eating her food, only she was interrupted by a voice behind her.

Startled, she turned around to be met with the star football player and coaches son, Chuck Clayton. "Hey, baby, you dining alone?"

"I- No, Chuck I'm fine.", she replied, quite confidently.

"You sure about that?", he sat down beside her, putting his hand on her thigh.

The boy who had his eye on Betty, looked up from his work which he was typing. His iconic grey beanie was at a slight slant, his posture fixed as he typed in his laptop, and his get-lost-in ocean eyes returned back to his work, slightly hurt that it looked like Betty had a boyfriend.

Betty shut her eyes, wincing. "Chuck, stop", she whispered. He didn't listen though, slowly moving his hand up her thigh.

Her hand grasped his, trying to force it off her thigh, only he was too strong.

Tears escaped Betty's eyes as Chuck held her hands down with his, rubbing her thigh.

This time, Jughead took notice of what was happening, it was a small detail but he saw the tears running down her face. He quickly stood up and walked towards Chuck and Betty.

"Ah, freak show wants in too, huh?", he smirked, removing his hand from Betty's thigh to implicate that Jughead could join his sick game.

Green eyes met green eyes, Jughead saw the fear which filled Betty, her gaze pleading for him to help.

With a swift motion, Chuck fell to the floor, the force of Jugheads hit sent him flying.

Unwilling to give up, Chuck got up, blood stained his shirt but he would fight, do anything to win. Even he didn't know what measures that he would go to just to win.

He ran towards Jughead, pushing him into the stools behind him. Luckily, Jughead wasn't as injured as Chuck.

Intervening, Betty ran to Jugheads aid. "Are you okay?!", she half-shouted, half-whispered.

Jughead looked into her kind eyes, but before he could answer, Chuck had pushed Betty away.

Her back hit the booth behind her, but she didn't care. She only cared about the mysterious yet charming boy who was attempting to save Betty. Without thinking, she would do what Veronica (her best friend) taught her. She remembered the conversation and let it play out in her head, "When in danger, dear Betty, I like to do what I'm best at! Acting."

Betty started to wail, "My back! I think I broke my back!". And with those words, Chuck ran out the diner, careful not to look back.

Jughead got up quickly and ran towards Betty. His eyes filled with worry, his voice laced with fear, he spoke, "I'll call someone"

Betty didn't reply, only wrapped her arms around Jughead, grateful that he was there to save her. "No need, I'm okay.", she whispered.

Jughead chuckled softly, wrapping his arms around her.

*1 hour later*

Betty wiped Jugheads cut with a disinfectant gauge which Pop provided her with, sorry that he didn't interfere. Betty let Pop know it wasn't his fault, and gave a small smile.

Jughead winced, the gauge burning his cut. He didn't realise, but he squeezed Betty's hand. She let out a small chuckle, "Sorry if it hurts".

He realised his hand was still on Betty's, he quickly took it off. "Sorry", they both chuckled. "That was quite an act you put on there.", he said.

"I have my friend Veronica to thank for that.", she smiled.

Her smile could cure cancer, it was so powerful. Her smile led to Jughead smiling. Hell, her smile could lead to a whole world of smiles.

"Sorry that you got roped into this, its all my fault.", she spoke softly.

Jughead put his hand under her chin, lifting her face up. "It's not your fault. I chose to intervene. You looked like you needed saving. And you did".

Betty looked into his eyes which were so pure and filled with love.

She looked at his lips, and leaned it. It was like a magnet. Their lips collided, moving together. No one could deny the chemistry between them. Suddenly, Jughead pulled away.

"Sorry, I thought-", Betty started, but Jughead interrupted, "Are you only kissing me because I saved you?", his voice was soft.

This hurt Betty, she couldn't deny the match that lit fireworks inside her when they kissed, even if she wanted to. "Jug, of course not. I love what you did for me, but I think theres something else about you. Something about you which drew me to you. But..if you want me to prove it..you could always take me on a date.", she smiled.

"As much as I believe you, I'll definitely take you up on that date offer.", he chuckled as he leaned in again.

Their lips collided again, closing the gap between them.


AN: hiya! I hope you liked this one shot, more will be coming soon so don't fret my dear children. Anygays, thank you for reading, and if you liked it, please don't forget to vote or else..jkjk..unless..
-zoey :)

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