"I can't really control that, Betts."

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I snatched the jacket from the hook and wrapped the jacket around my shoulders, pushing the door open. "Don't come running back when you need money!", my mom yelled from the door.

"The only reason I'll be coming back is to show you this" I turned around, facing the door, giving her my middle finger.

I turned back around, and started walking. I didn't know where but I had to get away from my mom and this delusional crack house she makes me call home.

I was trying my hardest not to let it show that I was sad. I put on an angry act instead.

I heard the door slam behind me.

*Time Skip 15 mins*

It started to rain. God, this is like a movie; a girl who just got kicked out, walking in the rain, unaware of where she's going. The only thing that needs to happen now is—

And there it was. A bar, where I would get drunk and all my sorrows would be gone. Exactly what this movie needs to finish it off.

The big bar lights hung from the side of the building, glowing brightly in the dark sky.

I pushed the doors open and walked in. I received looks from left and right, catcalls and someone actually had the audacity to try and grope me.

"Watch it, weasel, unless you have a death wish.", I threatened before his hand touched me. I pushed him away, watching him fall onto a pool table.

I walked to the bar where a girl with pink highlights in her hair, offered me a drink. I reached out, but before I could take it she chuckled, "ID?"

"Does it look like I have a fucking ID?", I gestured to my wet clothes and hair.

"Damn.", she replied, and handed me the drink.

I quickly downed the alcohol, the burning sensation down my throat made me forget everything else. "Six shots pleaseee", my words came out slurred.

"Got company?", the girl behind the counter laughed. "Yea and thats why I'm all alone at a bar.", I retorted sarcastically.

"No,", I looked at her nametag, "Antoinette, I don't have company. But!! I've never dranked- drinked— wait no—.", I slurred, emphasizing the 'but' and trying to figure out how to say 'drank'.

"Drank?", she questioned. "No...", I replied.

"How are you already drunk? You haven't even had the shots yet.", she looked me up and down. "Ah, first time, huh?"

I nodded my head, blinking ferociously.
"You gonna give a paying customer her shots or what?". She scoffed and put the shots down in front of me.

I drank them all without thinking, my vision got blurry and my head was spinning.

I got pulled onto the dance floor by a female serpent and I didn't know what else to do, so I danced.

I felt the rhythm and moved my body.

I forgot everything; my mom kicking me out, almost being groped by a perv, getting soaking wet in the rain— everything.

The room started to spin even more now, my vision got even more blurry and my head started to throb.

I ran upstairs and into an office where I found a bathroom and started to throw up. My hair was all over my face (and ladies we all know the feeling of getting vomit in our hair ew), it was horrible. I was a mess.

Bughead One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now