"By all means, ponytail."

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"Ugh, hurry up, Cooper. I can't have you missing out on practice anymore seeing as you already suck at cheerleading.", Cheryl Blossom groaned, adjusting her hair while looking at herself in the mirror.

Betty wanted nothing less than to take that mirror and shove it right up—

"Did you not hear me, Betty?!", the fiery redhead interrupted Betty's train of thought.

Betty smiled politely, as taught by her mother who she contemplated was the devil reincarnated.

"Sorry, Cheryl. I'll get my stuff from the car.", she smiled as she clenched her fists, knuckled turning whiter than ever. No one seemed to notice as they did their makeup and twiddled with their hair, gossiping about the new history teacher.

Before Betty exited the locker room, Cheryl warned, "Oh, and, dear Betty, avoid the gang bangers lurking out there, unless you have a death wish."

Betty nodded and scurried out of the locker room, adjusting her cheer skirt which was a tad too short for Betty's liking.

Tightening her ponytail, and giving a final tug on her skirt, she walked out of the school to her car to get her backpack.

It was getting dark, the pale crescent moon rose, casting shadows on mere objects as the evening sun began to duck out of sight.

Betty quickly navigated her way to her car, only stopping dead in her tracks at the small but dangerous group of people standing in front of her vehicle, all clad in leather jackets with a serpent emblem on the back.

She turned around slowly, silently hoping no one would catch sight of her presence. Trying but failing at surreptitiously tip-toeing away, she heard the yell of someone from the group.

"Ah,", a tall serpent with jet black hair and a cut under his eye started, "look who's here to join us."

The blonde turned around to face the person talking to her, feeling self-conscious under his scrutinising gaze. His eyes raked over her frame, stopping at her legs.

"This your car, girlie?"

Betty nodded, tugging at her skirt.

The serpent shot a daring look at the innocent cheerleader standing in front of him, before pulling out a knife from his jacket.

A lump caught in Betty's throat, he wasn't going to kill her, was he?

Betty knew better than to judge people before getting to know them, always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt— even the Serpents. But maybe this was a skosh beyond Betty's judgement.

He backed up to her car, running his knife around the wheels, soon stopping and puncturing the tire.

"Hey! I need that to get back home!", she called out, the lump in her throat briefly vanishing then instantly making its comeback, regret striking her.

Her eyes widened as the larger man walked towards her, finally reaching and holding his knife to her throat.

"That's enough, Sweet Pea.", a loud but calm voice boomed from behind.

Betty shut her eyes tightly, the knife being removed from her throat. A sigh of relief bubbled in her throat, but she quickly pushed it down.

"All of you, clear out, now!", the voice said again, more firmly.

Betty opened her eyes, the man standing in front of her now struck her.

He had green eyes with a hint of blue, which Betty swore she could drown in, an odd crown beanie perched on his head and a sharp jawline littered with small beauty marks.

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