Part 1: Underground Arc, Chapter 1: And so human fell...

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One day, in the Underground, young prince Asriel Dreemurr, from the royal Dreemurr family, took his usual walk to the Ruins, which were also called Home, as it was former capital of the Underground. First part of the Ruins is ruined square with old buildings around and the second one is just a small cave with old vine covered pillars placed around. In this part can also be found bed of growing golden flowers and high above them is large hole leading on surface. Sometimes light comes out of there and lights the bed of golden flowers. Asriel was using the Ruins more like playground for him and his friends. Asriel was wearing green-yellow stripped sweater and brown shorts.

 This time he went to the Ruins only to take care of the golden flowers, which were growing there. His father taught him how to take care of the plants with kindness. He was just about to sprinkle the golden flowers with small blue watering can that he took along with him when suddenly, he heard loud screaming from above and freaked out a little. He got scared and quickly hid behind the big pillar, carrying his watering can. After while someone fell right on the bed of the golden flowers, not moving for some while. Asriel was still hidding behind the big pillar, shaking nervously and thinking about if  the person, who fell died . Soon the person woke up and started crying in pain. Asriel recognized its voice as female voice and slowly peeked from the big pillar, seeing bleeding human female on the bed of golden flowers. She was crying and holding her leg in pain. She was wearing torn brown T-shirt with some holes in it and black trousers stained with blood from the fall.  She had no shoes or socks on herself. She had brown hair extending to the shoulders, red eyes and lightly red cheeks full of tears. Asriel couldn't just watch it as he never hesitates to help anyone who needs help. So he carefully walked out of the big pillar and slowly moved to the human to not to frighten her. "H-howdy ...?" He said and waved at her, trying to put on small friendly smile. Unfortunately, Asriel's attempt to friedly approach the human failed and she started shivering, looking at Asriel with fear, trying to crawl away from him slowly while holding her injured leg. "No, no, wait please! I won't hurt you! I want to help you. I'm not a bad person" Asriel said sadly as he saw human getting feared of him. The human stopped for a moment and said: "Y-you're lying, monster! Don't come any closer! Just let me go please." She said, still crawling away from Asriel. She wasn't looking behind herself and got on the end of really small grass hill, where golden flowers were placed. Asriel saw her getting near to the end of hill and quickly ran after her, stopping her and holding her softly, pulling her back on the hill. "You could fall there and hurt yourself more!" Asriel said worriedly as he let go of her. She was still shivering, looking, behind herself, finding out that she almost fell there. It wasn't really big height but she could hit her head or hurt herself more. "M-monster..?" She said, panting heavily from fear and pain. "You're really not gonna hurt me ?" She asked, looking up at Asriel with tears. Asriel wiped her tears with handkerchief and blood from her clothes as well, even though it left some stains. " I won't! I didn't even think about it." He said and she smiled softly. "I don't remember anything... Why am I here? Where am I ?" She asked as she was confused and feeling dizzy. Asriel helped her sit, by leaning her back against the pillar and answered her questions. "You're in the Underground, the home of monsters like me. I'm not sure why are you here but you just fell from the hole above us. That means you came here from the surface." She looked above them, holding her head with one hand as she was feeling dizzy, seeing the large hole. "What's your name ?" Asriel asked and put on friendly smile. She also smiled softly and said: "I'm... I think my name is Chara". "Chara? That's a nice name. My name is Asriel and..." Right at that moment when Asriel was in the middle of sentence, Chara fell unconscious and her body fell on the grass. Maybe she fainted from feeling sick of the fall "Chara!" Asriel yelled at her in shock as her body fell on the grass and didn't move. He leaned closer to her face, hearing that she breathes. "Phew... She is breathing. I should take her to Doctor Alphys as fast as I can! Her leg looks really bad." He was relieved, that Chara is alright, yet he was worried about her. He thought that her wound could get infected. With all of his strenght that he had, he lifted Chara up on his back and carried her out of the Ruins Cave.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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