04 - Of Jumbled Memories

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"OKAY. LET'S TALK about this as calmly as possible."

Fria walked back and forth outside the clinic's door, while Saskia watched her as she sat on a steel bench across.

"Okay. Okay," Fria began, and then, "You hit him in the head with a book." She suddenly stopped and faced her. "You hit him in the head with a book! Why did you hit him in the head with a book?"

Saskia was just about to answer, as calmly as possible, when her friend interrupted her.

"Oh, my god. I can't believe you just hit someone in the head with a book! You—Saskia Martinez! You couldn't even swat a fly! Ki, what on earth happened?" Fria paused to catch her breath, before continuing her rambling. "And to think that it was Eros. You actually hit Eros! He's just about the most harmless person in school." Then Fria suddenly stopped and turned a fierce, protective look at her. "Wait, did he harass you, physically... sexually? It's alright, Ki. You can tell me. They say the most unlikely person sometimes do the most surprising things. If that little shit tried to do something bad—"

"No, no, Fri. It's—it's not like that." Well, technically it's bad, but not sexually-harass bad, just dark-alley-murder kind of bad, Saskia thought. But just then, Fria's words finally sank in. "Harmless?" Saskia repeated incredulously, and then she did a double take, forehead creasing. "I'm sorry, who?"

"Eros. Eros Parker, a.k.a. the guy you just whacked in the head with a book?"

"Can you please stop repeating that?" Saskia said exasperatedly. But then, her eyes widened after what Fria said registered. "Wait, what? You know him? How on earth do you know him? How can y-you possibly know him? H-he's a... a—"

"How do I know him..." Fria trailed off, eyeing her in disbelief. "Are you serious, Ki?"

"Trust me, I've never been more serious in my whole life!" The word 'murderer' was still at the tip of her tongue.

"Did you get amnesia overnight? How can I not know him? We've been with Eros since sophomore year, Ki. He's the chess guy! The one who always trips in the cafeteria and likes eating alone."

Always trips in the cafeteria? Saskia screamed mentally. She was starting to feel the beginnings of a massive headache.

"What—wait. Chess guy? Please don't do this to me. We don't know any Eros, chess guy, from sophomore year, Fria!"

"Are you kidding me?" her friend said, bewildered. "Of course, we do. We had Algebra and Chem with him. You sat beside Eros during lab."

That massive headache already started its reign.

"What? Sat beside him?  I don't remember ever being in the same room with him!" Saskia protested vehemently. "Today was only the second time I saw his face!" She let out a small, almost hysterical laugh. "Okay, you need to stop. This isn't funny, Fri. You're starting to freak me out."

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