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Dear lovely darlings,

I can't even begin to string appropriate words into a sentence to convey just how grateful I am for the love and support you've given this book. Thank you. So much. I appreciate you, and each and every comment and star you left behind. They never go unnoticed.

This story was conceived after I stumbled upon the video of Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye's slam poem entitled When Love Arrives. The epigraph to this book was what started it all and I practically became a chattering machine to my dear friend, Yui, on a sleepover night, telling her the whole plot. We just loved that poem so much.

Love in Action was my entry to April 2016's Camp Nano and the procrastinator that I am, I wasn't able to finish it in a month. But after nearly a year, I finally did. And it was all because of the motivation and excitement you've extended to me after every chapter.

Once again, thank you so much!

Golden arrow or not, love hard, my darlings. Falling, no matter how high or low, is not without pain—but fall in love anyway. Love as much as you can; love while you still can. Because some things don't last forever.

And because this story began with a quote from When Love Arrives, please allow me to officially end it with another quote from the same poem:

When love arrives say, 'Welcome, make yourself comfortable.' If love leaves, ask her to leave the door open behind her. Turn off the music, listen to the quiet. Whisper, 'Thank you for stopping by.' (c) Sarah Kay & Phil Kaye

I wish you all the best for whatever choices you make. Thank you so much for being with me in this magical journey. ❤

- Z.


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