Without You

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His feet ran across the uneven rocky path that once led to his home. His breath was almost gone, his throat a desert. His heart was beating against his rib cage, begging for a break. His breathing was heavy and in pain, his arms swinging side to side. His backpack was painful on his shoulder but he mustn't be caught, or he'd be sent back home, to hell.

The wind rushing through his new short haircut and his eyes were watering. The footsteps behind him were coming closer,

Until he jumped.

One building down to another, down to an alleyway. The people wouldn't catch him anytime soon, he was lucky to have survived it. So he kept on running, until he found another alley and hid in a bin. The footsteps passed soon enough, and he could finally breathe as he sipped on his water.

He hid in there for about 10 minutes until he came out and breathed the fresh, closed in air. He looked round the entrances thoroughly then left with his hands in his pockets.

He couldn't go home now, that was the worst part.

He walked into a hotel building about 20 minutes away from his original home and smiled at the woman behind the counter.

"Hello!" She cheered happily. "Have you booked a room with us recently?"

"No." The boy replied. "I'm uh..well I've not booked in a room recently but is there some free single rooms?" The boy asked nervously and the woman smiled warmly.

"Of course, there's 12 available single rooms. Where about would you like to be in the building?"

"Is there a room at the top?"

"Of course! I will warn you, it can get a little..loud up there so make sure to go to sleep early!"

"It's alright, I can sleep with noise."

"That's perfect." She then typed away on her computer a few details then pressed the last one with a loud 'click'. "Name, please?"

"Uhh..Marshall Clement." The boy lied.

"Okay Mr Clement..how many nights will you spend with us?"

"Only tonight, thanks. I'll be gone by sunrise."

"That's alright."

The boy then gave her some details and received a key from the lady. She smiled happily at his little worried face which reassured him. He walked up the fancy, new stairs and up to his assigned room. He unlocked it then walked in at a fast pace, making sure not to slam the door behind him.

He chucked his bag to the side and flopped onto the comfy bed. He looked up at the white, swirly ceiling, gazing at the imperfect pattern. He sighed and rolled over to look out of the window at his view. There was a forest next to him, somewhere he could hide for a little while. Further inside of the trees, was unknown.

His heart pounded again. He was reminded that he wasn't safe, and he couldn't ask anyone for help. He felt alone, but this would soon go; hopefully. He sighed and closed his curtains as it grew dark. He wouldn't sleep, he just needed to rest.

He smiled. 'Marshall'. Of all names he could give 'Marshall' was the name. He chuckled to himself and shook his head. And 'Clement?'. Where did that come from? Did he know someone of that name? That wouldn't bother him, he wouldn't be talking to anyone else that night.

Or at least he thought.

He heard a knock at his door and his heart stopped. He remained silent. He heard it again, so he sat down beside the bed, out of sight, and just listened in silence.

"Hey." The voice spoke, an unfamiliar voice. "Please open the door, I just want to talk to you..er..I heard you were named Marshall?"

The boy breathed out deeply. He saw a young man waiting in the lobby when he checked in, he was the only one, besides from the lady, who knew that he had named himself 'Marshall.'

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