My Little Jew

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Kyle knocked on Jacks door loudly twice and patiently waited outside of his house. It was 1:30 and he was wearing a tuxedo and had green eye shadow on. His hair was neatened up but still curly. The door opened to Jack, wearing a causal white shirt with black jeans and converse shoes. He kissed his mother goodbye and walked along with the ginger.

They talked and joked a bit and had a first look at the movies showing. They were going to watch a new romance, horror movie where a girl gets kidnapped and falls in love with the man who kidnapped her. A saucy story in Jacks opinion.

They payed for their tickets and got a seat at the back, and as the show was in its last showing there was barely anyone there. They had got popcorn and two tango blasts and were basically ready to stay there the entire evening.

The movie started after 10 minutes or so and it was meant to last for 2 hours, so Kyle got comfy and sat back. Jack gazed at his green eyes. They watched the movie so intensely at scary scenes and loving at romantic scenes. His body would tense up when the music sped up or there was jump scares, and he would seem so relaxed at happy scenes. He even grew a smile when the man revealed his face to her and they kissed.

He looked at Kyle. Kyle looked at him. They just stared into each others eyes for a long moment until they moved close enough to kiss. It was long, sweet and soft. Kyle moved back first, checking if Jack was alright. His face was burned up and he was unable to speak clearly. The green eyed boy laughed and kissed him again.

He craved boys like him, shy, loving and attractive.

Jack then pulled away from a heated kiss and smiled. "How about another movie, Romeo?" He asked, showing him some more money as the movie ended.

"Sure, my prince." Kyle responded so they went back to the desk to go to another movie directly after the one they had just watched. It was an 18 horror, a gory and detailed movie. They both secretly hated those ones, because they were scariest, and it was obvious to them both.

Eventually, Jack held Kyle's hand and burrowed his face into his neck. Kyle held his head until the movie was over, not really noticing that he was sleeping with a wide smirk on his face.

Kyle walked him home to his, and invited him inside. From there, it was no good what they did.

Kyle led him over to his bed, stripping the other down slowly and letting Jack undress him. They were definitely not drunk, though, just lovesick and happy for once in their lives. Jack kind of completed Kyle in a way, and Kyle completed Jack fully.

And from there, Jacks obsession with Kyle only grew and grew...


Kenny was walking over to Butter's in the middle of the night, out of his head. He had drunken 4 bottles of whiskey and gotten so high his eyes looked like blood. He opened the back door, as he had the key for it, and entered with no warnings.

He stumbled upstairs to Butters room and stared at his small, naked body under the sheets. The house always got so warm with the radiator on all night that the little blonde had no choice. His hair was quite messy, but his face was soft and perfect.

The taller one locked the door behind him and stripped down, joining Butters in bed. He slowly awoke from his sleep and started kicking and screaming when Kenny got on top of him. He kicked him everywhere, in his face, in his chest, his arms, his legs, his balls, but he wouldn't let go of him and instead pinned him down.

Butters parents got up instantly and started knocking on the door loudly, panicking like mad.

"G-Get off of me you freak!" Butters yelled out, trying to protect his naked body as best he could. "What do you want?! My boyfriend will k-k-kill you, you f-fat t-t-turd!" He attempted to threaten, knowing that Kenny was a better fighter than him.

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